Toddler Badly Burned – Parents Say ‘No’ to Hadassah Ein Kerem

emergency.jpgHatzolah responders were dispatched to a home in the Avodas Yisrael neighborhood of Yerushalayim on erev shabbos, located next to Meah Shearim, only to find a toddler with serious burns over his entire body, from scalding water.

The first two on the scene were there in a matter of moments, explaining they were less than a block away when the call arrived. They began wrapping the child in Burnshield treated cloth, reporting after the call that the child was in agonizing pain. They also administrated oxygen.

Neighbors who were on the scene report the paramedics wanted to transport the child to the burn unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital but due to the refusal of the parents, they were compelled to transport to Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. #4–
    Sha’arei Tzedek is a fine hospital. However, it has no burn unit. There is a reason that that the EMTs wanted to take the child to Hadassah.

    We saw a similar case ahwile back in which Heaeidim insisted that a child was taken to Sha’arei Tzedek rather than Hadassah. This was a case of head trauma. The neurosurgery facilities at Hadassah are far better than theose at Sha’arei Tzedek.

    Now, that particular case turned out all right–but there was no way to know that a priori. We will probably see a continuation of this absolute stupidity on the part of the Hareidi population until it results in permanent injury or death to one of its members. Hopefully, that person will not be a child. I doubt that it will be one of the Hareidi “leaders” –as they have no hesitation in selecting to go to the best hospitals for themselves.

  2. I don’t know much about Hadassah hospital – other than what I hear or read. And obviously you can’t believe everything that’s said. But I will say that we should not be bad mouthing the parents. They are not abusing the child. They are only doing what they think is best.

  3. I think that the parents were afraid to go to Hadassah because of the malicious charedi hunt they did on the other Meah Sharim family. They probablly felt it is possible that the hospital could make false allegations against them for the burns on the toddler as they fabricated some garbage on the other Mother.
    However, I do believe a burn unit could offer treatment like no other hospital could. But we really don’t know if this story is true or what the parents’ motivations and decision was based on, so everybody just take it easy!

  4. What a gevaldig idea, boycott the Israeli Hospital system. You will really teach THEM a lesson. Better to send the kid to a place that has no burn unit. As long as they were looking for an inferior hospital, there’s a really lousy hospital in Ramallah that also can’t take care of serious burns

  5. #10–then why were the leaders of the Eida Hareidit not afraid to go to Hadassah? Two have been hospitalized there since the incident of the “Mea Shearim mother.

    The answer is that there is no danger, and there never was a “malicious charedi hunt”–or why would Hareidi leaders have gone there? It was simply a case of motzei shem ra, and you are continuing it.

  6. flatbusher, the toddler was scalded by hot water. All hospitals in Israel see such occurrences, and it is well known that Saturday nights are the times that see most burn victims (especially children) as so many people have hot water urns going on Shabbat.

    Some hospitals are better equipped than others for dealing with these cases, especially the severe ones.

  7. my first reaction was of course whats wrong with these parents, but reading Flatbush #11, maybe they were worried of getting that reaction from a hospital according to one half of the story has done this in the past.
    is it true? did Haddasah do this? I don’t know, but my child needs his mother, and i’m not going to endanger him by the whims of a hospital. I don’t knoe iof its true, but i’m not jepordizing my kid

  8. Baal Bosse, keep in mind that a great many physicians in Israel received theri training at Hadassah. Good luck in escaping that “Hadassah mentality”–wherever you go.

    Nobody should force anyone to go to Hadassah. In at least one case recently, the parents of one Hareidi child with a head injury insisted on taking the child to Shaarei Tzedek–despite the fact that the neurology and neurosurgery units at Hadassah are far more advanced, and better equipped.

    Personally, in case of illness or injury, I would wish to send my family to the hosptial with the best-trained doctors and the best facilities. In Jerusalem, for the vast majority of cases,that will be Hadassah.

    You may, of course, choose otherwise.

  9. I had a child in Shaarei Zedek Burn Unit. They know what they’re doing just as well as Hadassah! Besides, who is the Rofei Chinam anyway????

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