VIDEO ESSAY: Gishmei Bracha in Eretz Yisroel

ira.jpgLess than a week after yidden in Eretz Yisroel started saying “v’sein tal u’matar” the parched ground received its first dose of gishmei bracha. Though it rained for a few minutes in the beginning of the week, Erev Shabbos brought the first real rainstorm of 5770 to Central Israel.

As schoolchildren squealed and vehicles honked, water could be seen flowing from the overfilled gutters as the people had the zechus of saying the brachos on thunder and lighting for the first time this year.

May our tefilos be heard and may this winter bring an abundance of much-need gishmei bracha.

Click HERE to watch a video of the sights and sounds of the first rainstorm, filmed in Modi’in Illit by Yehuda Boltshauser / Kuvien.

(YWN Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. my kids were at the machaneh yehuda shuk on erev shabbos when it started raining. they told me young and old people were jumping for joy over the rain. hodu lahashem ki tov!

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