UPDATED – Rav Rosenberger Shlita Released From Hospital; Taken Back After Collapsing

SOL1.gif9:22AM IL: (BREAKING UPDATE BELOW) Making a truly miraculous recovery, Eida Chareidis Dayan and Rav of Kiryat HaRama in Beit Shemesh, Rav Yehoshua Rosenberger Shlita was discharged from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on Wednesday.

The rav collapsed in shul on erev Simchas Torah, as was reported by YWN-Israel and went into cardiac arrest. He was successfully resuscitated and has since undergone surgery at Hadassah.

Immediately upon returning to Beit Shemesh, the rav made his way to his shul to daven with his tzibur; he drank a ‘l’chaim’ with them, and then continued with his daily gemara shiur.

Doctors implanted a pacemaker to stabilize his cardiac function.

UPDATE 1:13PM IL: Eida Chareidis Dayan Yehoshua Rosenberger Shlita collapsed on Thursday morning after shacris, less than 24 hours after being discharged from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

The rav appears to have fainted; with gabba’im signaling it may have been due to the sharp transition from being released from hospital after almost a month admission and then jumping immediately back into his hectic schedule.

There is no update from Hadassah Hospital at the time of this report.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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