VIDEO & PHOTOS: 100,000 to Visit to Kever Rachel

kr.jpgPHOTO & VIDEO LINK BELOW: As the situation at Jerusalem’s holy sites intensifies, a mass pray-in with 100,000 expected participants from every corner of Israel and many overseas communities will be held at Kever Rachel on Thursday, 11 Cheshvan, the yahrzeit.
For thousands of years Jews have traditionally turned to Rachel to pray for her children.  This year organizers have called for special prayers to be dedicated to the release of Gilad Shalit, who has been held hostage by Hamas in Gaza since July 2006. “We call on Jews and non-Jews all over the world to dedicate their prayers on this holy day to Gilad’s immediate release in good health,” said Rabbi Yosef Schwinger, Director of Israel’s Holy Sites Authority. “For generations Rachel has prayed for her children to return home safely, and we hope that this year our prayers will be answered and Gilad will return home to his family.”

These tefillos will take place from 11:00AM – 12 Noon on Thursday. Members of the Shalit family are expected to be present at tefilla assembly.

YWN VIDEO & PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for video & click HERE for photos taken by Rafael Ovadia / Kuvien Images at Kever Rochel on Wednesday evening.

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