US Secretary of State Clinton to Arrive on Motzei Shabbos

dos.jpgUS Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to arrive in Israel on motzei shabbos, in line with reports of an impending visit released by PA (Palestinian Authority) leaders in Ramallah earlier in the week. She is expected to meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

According to the report which appeared in the daily al-Quds earlier in the week, the PA has informed the White House that it does not foresee a resumption of talks with Israel in the near future, citing Israel’s failure to comply with the Roadmap Plan as the reason.

US Mideast envoy George Mitchell will be arriving in Israel on erev shabbos in preparation of the secretary’s arrival on the following day. Ms. Clinton will be stopping to meet with Arab leaders ahead of her meeting with Mr. Netanyahu.

Her visit signals continuing American pressure on Israel to comply with American demands for a total and unconditional construction freeze throughout Yehuda, Shomron and so-called disputed areas of Yerushalayim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I am surprised she is holding on to her office. Barack Hussein Obama MMM MMM MMM has made her into a non-entity, which is quite unusual for a Sec of State. I cant wait for her to get out of there so she could start ripping into her former boss come 2011.

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