Mixed Signals to Golan Heights Residents

Leaders and residents of Golan Heights communities were angered on Monday when a referendum bill did not come up for a vote in Knesset as planned. The bill would demand a national referendum to approve any Israeli withdrawals from sovereign areas, including the Golan Heights.

While Knesset protocol brought the bill for a vote since it continues from the previous session, this was not the case, with rumors indicating the order to delay the vote came from high up in government circles. Likud MK Yair Levin, who headed the committee planning to move the bill forward, explained a cabinet member opposed the bill, leading to the delay in the planned vote. He was in essence referring to Minister of Strategic Planning & Atomic Energy Dan Meridor, who indicated if the bill was brought for a vote, the cabinet would be compelled oppose it.

The bill has been pending since before national elections and Golan area leaders are anxious to pass the legislation to send a clear message to those willing to make territorial concessions in the Golan area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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