Hatzolah Scooter Stolen in Rechavia Area

9912.jpgA Hatzolah volunteer who ran to his scooter to respond to an emergency call did not find his two-wheel motorized vehicle, which appears to have been stolen from Jerusalem’s Rechavia area.

The medical equipment stored in the vehicle is worth NIS tens of thousands he explained, questioning how even a thief can make off with such a vehicle, well-aware of its purpose. The license number of the vehicle is 32-568-61 and the number imprinted on the side of the bike is 124. Hatzolah and police are urging the public to exhibit vigilance in the hope of recovering the vehicle.

There is also the fear the thief is planning to use the scooter to enter an area to perpetrate a terror attack chas v’sholom.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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