Jews on Har HaBayis to Hasten the Geula

Participants of the kinos in Heichal Shlomo on Sunday announced they are confident that Jews visiting Har HaBayis will hasten the arrival of Moshiach. The participants included right-wing MKs, as well as rabbonim who support visiting area permitted to visit on Har HaBayis, in adherence to halacha.

The participants of the forum condemned the decision by Israel Police to close the holy site to Jews in response to Islamic violence, calling such a move a victory for terror.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Isn’t it clearly written that it’s absolutely forbidden for jews to in onto har habayis as long as we’re impure from the galus? we know that only once Moshiach has purified us only then will the bais hamikdosh and the shechina descend to be with us once again. As we know that one who enters har habayis will not merit to see those days i.e. he is chayev kores.

  2. erbp

    Parts of Har Habayis are forbidden for us since we are impure.

    Parts of it are not.

    Where these parts are is a matter of dispute.

    Each Yid has the right to follow his Posek.

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