Meah Shearim Mom Changes Legal Team

ywnisrael8.jpgIt has been learned that during or following Wednesday’s Supreme Court hearing responding to the state’s appeal against the Meah Shearim mom, the defendant dismissed her attorneys, David Halevy and Reuven Bar-Chaim, announcing her new legal team, attorneys Dr. Aviad Cohen, Dr. Shachar Eldar and Devorah Attia.

While the mom enjoyed a major victory in the High Court on Wednesday, with the court overruling the Jerusalem District Court, permitting her to remain in her home, without supervision, rejecting a state request to distance her from her children. Nevertheless, the mother faces a most serious criminal indictment.

At the opening of the trial on Wednesday the new legal team requested an extension to familiarize themselves with the case, receiving three-weeks before having to respond to the state’s charges.

It appears the seriousness of the indictment has prompted the move as the mother realizes if found guilty, the ramifications would be devastating. The new legal team is composed of experts, attorneys of national prominence, with reputations of being among the best in criminal law.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. sammygol, oif’n ganeff brent a hitt’l. People hate lawyers because lawyers are the mirror of society. We give you exactly what you tell us you want.

  2. #6 Thanks for the good laugh, Sammygol. To add to your hilarious comment, in today’s world they’re disposable.

    #5 Can you count the amount of judges involved in this case? Every judge another lawyer.

    #4 & 5, Rebshalom and Bestbubby, please give us your children’s names to daven for.

  3. Comment maker #4 update and familiarize yourself with the story. The child was not abused by the mother. Rather the family has been victimized and abused by the system and Hadassah hospital.

  4. #4 & #10. You both have no proof of what you claim. You have heard and seen no evidence of those who were there when it all happened. We cannot assume guilt and we cannot assume innocence until the case has been heard in open court. Unfortunately, a cloud hangs over her and should hang over her until the facts and evidence are heard and she has a chance to respond and defend herself. In the end, we daven that the truth comes out and the judgement is correct and all the innocents are protected. We do not daven that she should be found innocent, we daven for the truth and for what’s best for the innocents. In our minds we are required to be dun l”kaf zechus no matter what the outcome. If found guilty, that she is mentally impaired and could not help herself and if found innocent, that the Doctors, nurses, social workers, and witnesses did the right thing by coming forward, that they meant to assure the safety of the child, and that they would do it again should the question arise. Hopefully, in the future, the police will handle it more adeptly, now that they better understand the sensitivities involved.

  5. #13, for starters, why don’t you check out the bogus syndrome dubbed Munchhausen-by-proxy on the website M.A.M.A. (Mothers Against Munchhausen-by-proxy Allegations).

  6. #15- you are absolutely correct. policies, court cases and why, even halacha, should be decided by the amount of protesters burning garbage!

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