Blei Ayin Hora – Baby Boom in Laniado Hospital

bo.jpgLaniado Hospital officials report that 33 babies were born in the Netanya hospital in a single 24-hour period in September, between the 22nd and 23rd of the month.

Hospital officials explain the welcome reality, stating one can easily count back nine months since Operation Cast Lead, contributing to this modest “baby boom”. He added the hospital’s new wing, providing a view of the sea from the nursery, continues to grow in popularity among Sharon region residents, resulting in more births in general.

Hospital officials add that in addition, over recent days, six sets of twins were born, all preemie, all admitted to the hospital’s neonatal unit. There are two sets of boys, two sets of girls and two sets of one each.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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