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Confusion Surrounds Swine Flu Vaccination Program

vaacn.jpgIt is reported that the first doses of swine flu vaccinations have arrived in Israel, but there is much confusion surrounding the administration of the vaccines. Kupat Cholim HMO officials report they have not received clear directives from the Ministry of Health.

While the first doses of the vaccine have arrived, and preparations are underway to distribute them to healthcare centers, healthcare officials appear ‘in the dark’ as to how this will operate. The experts are expected to convene on Tuesday under the Health Ministry umbrella to make a number of decisions, including if pregnant women and children under 3 will be included in the first wave of inoculations.

What has been decided is the first recipients of the vaccine will be members of the healthcare community, and high-risk patients from 3-65. Those receiving the vaccine in the 10-65 bracket will receive a single dose while the 3-9-year-old group will receive the vaccination in two smaller doses.

Ministry officials are indicating that by week’s end, they hope to have completed formulating the directive pertaining to the vaccines, which will then be distributed nationwide.

To date, 4,192 victims of swine flu have been confirmed in Israel, reporting 32 fatalities and 80 patients listed in serious condition, 9 still hospitalized in intensive care units.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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