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The Unfolding Story Behind the Bnei Brak Kupat Ha’ir Tzedaka

elyash11.jpgThe disinformation and rumors pertaining to Bnei Brak’s Kupat Ha’ir tzedaka are making their way through the chareidi media circuit, in printed and electronic forums alike. According to reports from Chareidim, quoting officials affiliated with the tzedaka, the following is an accurate portrayal of events.

It begins with one of the tzedaka’s standard fliers, seeking assistance from the tzibur, painting a picture of a family in a dire situation, a family in need of public assistance. The distribution of the fliers was followed by rumors that Maran Rav Elyashiv Shlita objected to assisting the family because three years ago, it received significant assistance from various tzedaka agencies; there was a life insurance that covered the costs involving a major surgery; and that the family has $200,000 in investments.

Officials affiliated with the Bnei Brak tzedaka explained that people interested in compromising the success of the tzedaka organization began spreading the rumors, painting somewhat of a different picture, speaking of a Yerushalmi family with three children who were burned and require extensive and long-term therapy and medical procedures. There is a fourth child, a girl, with special needs, needs that result in staggering monthly costs. There is a son who was married and then took ill; requiring a major medical procedure abroad, leaving a $200,000 bill, with health insurance only covering half of the sum.

A fundraiser was held in the United States, which only covered the expenses involved in the trip and their stay.

According to “officials close to the head of the tzedaka,” a request came from known askanim abroad, followed by a check into the facts of the case here in Eretz Yisrael, adding HaRav Mordechai Gross personally checked into the situation to validate the facts as they were presented.

A special fund was opened on behalf of the family, and the case was presented to Maran R’ Elyashiv, and his photo was added to the flier after receiving the authority to do so from R’ Azriel Aurbach.

At present, tzedaka officials seem dumbfounded as to why the sudden stern denial from persons close to Maran R’ Elyashiv, explaining askanim affiliated with the Bnei Brak tzedaka visited R’ Aurbach after the clarification was released by R’ Elyashiv, at which time he denied they ever met or that he gave them the ok to move ahead with R’ Elyashiv’s name. Chareidim quotes officials from the tzedaka as saying there are those “interested parties” who are seeking to stir things up, spreading rumors.

Bnei Brak officials continue to work to assist the family, insisting their plight is indeed most difficult, adding to date, they have raised $90,000 on its behalf, adding additional funds are needed.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Can somebody explain why R’ Aurbach is giving permission to use R’ Elyashiv’s photo? What’s the connection between these 2 Gedolim who are both capable of talking for themselves?

  2. doniels: Rav Azriel Auerbach is Rav Elyashiv’s son-in-law, and the two are extremely close. I know this for a fact, since my Rav is very close with Rav Azriel, and tells us about them all the time.

  3. I dont know the whole story but if something is fishy and its going to be straightened out, that is a good thing. I did have an experience with a prominent tzedaka that never cashed my check. I called and left messages. Finally, after months and months, someone answered their phone. I complained to them and gave them the details of my proof. Finally, since others must have had a similar experience, new people took over and it is a very vibrant and active tzedaka again (hopefully no one should need it), but such issues, even in sacred realms, can happen.

  4. “there was a life insurance that covered the costs involving a major surgery”

    The only surgury that I can think of which might be covered by a life insurance policy is an autopsy. It is major surgery, though.

  5. Why is Kupat Hair worried? Let them give money to Kupat Hair and they will surely be helped. Or maybe they can take 40 Rebbetzins to say Perek Shira while baking Chalah for 40 days Keneged the Golden Dome, while 40 Avreichs are at Amuka giving 976 Prutos Keneged the words Loshon Hora Rechilos. “Its called drinking your own medicine”

  6. If I was asked to write a summary or even to answer questions on this article in a college class, I would not be able to. This article makes no sense, has no concrete facts or even quotes that can be attributed to someone. This sounds like something you would hear at the mikveh than actual news material.

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