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Charedi Woman in Arab Garb on Mehadrin Line Prompts Cops to Stop Bus

eged.jpgA woman in Arab garb on board a mehadrin Jerusalem – Haifa line, the 972, caused a bit of a panic, as some passengers feared she was a suicide terrorist, leading police to stop the bus for an inspection.

According to Ladaat correspondent Levi Eshkol, who was on the bus, as the vehicle pulled out of a Rishon L’Tzion depot, police vehicles began approaching, eventually ordering the driver to come to a halt. Police ordered the driver to step outside and after speaking with him for a few moments, they boarded, heading to the rear, directly to the suspicious woman.

After a few minutes, police determined the woman was a member of the chareidi community, permitting the bus to continue on its way.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. Yes, there are a couple of these weirdos. I saw one in Meah Shearim recently, wearing a white thing with decorations covering her head and neck (not the face) – a very well known Arab garment.

    These people need a psychiatrist.

  2. #4, that’s right. It is the complete opposite of tznius. Tznius is about not attracting attention. These woman davka try to attract attention.

  3. # 7 dont you think the Israeli security forces know what they are doing?

    Yochi, Duvdevon!

    Legufoi shel inyan, this lady and the rest of the group (I think they are based out of Beitar, are sick people, bigashmiyus).

  4. #9 – If I were responsible, I’d do it like this: tell the driver to fake a technical malfunction with the bus (or even let him intentionally break it down – this can be done) and stop right behind another bus, telling everybody to switch over to that bus (I had this happening just last night, happens plenty of times).

    Then, as the woman is outside, have police officers jump out from a hidden corner (for example, from beside, in front of, or from inside the second bus) and catch her.

    And I don’t even need a university degree to be able to think of a trick like this. Of course, there is the risk that if it were a suicide bomber, he/she would blow himself up when the driver tells everyone to get off the bus, but then again, the same risk would exist if police officers would get onto the bus (as they did in this case), so you don’t have anything to lose by using my proposed trick.

  5. #9, I have lived in Beitar many years and have yet to see anyone dressed like that. They most certainly are not based in Beitar. Try Beit Shemesh.

  6. This story is missing pieces. I ride on Jerusalem buses with Arabs all the time and the police never stop us. Young Arabs, with big packages sometimes, get on and off Egged buses all the time.

    Arabs walk all over the streets of Jerusalem, Arab women sit on the sidewalk everywhere selling their figs and grape leaves. We aren’t scared of them in general.

    Sounds like there was someone on the bus making a big deal. Maybe the news reporter cooking up a story…

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