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Yerushalayim: 4-Y/O Killed in Apparent Hit & Run

yki.jpgA 4-year-old girl was R”L killed as a result of being struck by a vehicle after getting off the vehicle that dropped her off from daycare. The girl, who was from a chareidi family, was pronounced dead after arriving in the Hadassah Ein Kerem trauma unit, which followed about an hour of resuscitation efforts on the scene according to Hatzolah members.

According to the report from persons on the scene, the driver did not notice the child was crossing in front of the vehicle to reach a waiting family member on the other side of the street and he struck her. It remains unclear if the driver noticed, or drove off.

Paramedics report the girl was in “grave” condition upon their arrival.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. I’m not sure what the laws are in EY regarding passing a bus while school children disembark, however this is a stark reminder not to pass school buses while the warning lights are flashing red.

  2. The little girl was Shula Swerdlov. She is the daughter of Yossi and Hindel Swerdlov. They are part of the Chabad community, and Yossi works with the children of chernobyl. Shula A”H was three years old.

  3. # 4, if he didn’t know that he hit her, how did he know to turn himself in. It seems rather that they caught him later (according to

  4. 1. She was 3 1/2. Not 4.
    2. I have personally met Rabbi and Mrs. Swerdlowm and I ate at a meal that they hosted in the Tzemach Tzedek shul in the old city. They are amazing people who do a tremendous amount of chesed, including a lot of kiruv work in the old city. Also, Rabbi Swerdlow led the team of Shluchim who went to the front lines during the war in Gaza to bring food and tefilin and tehillims to soldiers.

    These wonderful people did not deserve this tragedy. Baruch Dayan Emes.

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