Melamed Run Over as Talmidim Looked on in Horror

24.jpgA melamed in his 50s was run over on Jerusalem’s Shaul HaMelech Street in the Sanhedria neighborhood as horrified talmidim looked on. It occurred shortly after 8:00am, as the melamed made his way to the talmid torah, suddenly being struck down by a bus.

When the first Hatzolah units arrived on the scene, the rav’s foot was under the bus and his condition appeared quite serious. Paramedics were summoned by the first on the scene placed an arterial tourniquet on the severely injured leg.

The melamed tried making his way across the street and was struck, apparently due to limited visibility, in part due to the street’s logistical realities, a curve, and the fact that waiting pedestrians impair the driver’s field of vision. Making things worse, the bus involved was an armored-plated bus [used in Yehuda and Shomron] which is significantly heavier than a standard bus, and therefore, requires more braking distance.

The victim was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem trauma unit is serious condition. The tzibur is requested to daven for R’ Shimon Yehoram ben Shlumit.

AS WE GO TO PRINT: Officials who operated at the scene report the melamed, who teaches in a Shimon HaTzaddik Street talmud torah, lost the badly damaged leg.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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