Hamas’ Evil Hand Extending its Influence

hamas.jpgAccording to the London Times, support for Hamas in PA (Palestinian Authority) areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron continues to increase, now higher than support in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

The reality of Fatah’s waning influence is cause for concern among Western nations, including the United States, now only beginning to come to terms with the harsh reality that fundamentalist Islam is spreading and the so-called moderates, including Fatah leader and self-proclaimed Holocaust denier Abu Mazen are all but erased from the political map.
Right-wing warnings of just this event, the continued spread of Hamas’ influence, which in essence brings Iran into the heart of Yehuda and Shomron, was just a matter of time. Opponents however, the mainstream and political left accused the right-wing of “doomsday prophecies”, accusing the right-wing of seeking to instill fear in the hearts of proponents of Oslo and ongoing peace-making efforts.

The Times report state that according to the current political map, Hamas will emerge the victor in next year’s PA elections, a reality that would significantly shift the regional political map and introduce a new threat level in striking distance of Israel’s major cities, including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, both in striking distance from PA autonomous areas in Yehuda and Shomron using the most primitive of systems as has been the case in attacks from Gaza into southern Israel over the past 8+ years.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. I don’t understand what people are so worried about. Hamas is falling into line with the pseudo-Oslo arrangement and has given the State of Israel peace for 2 years without shooting or bombings or anything. Fatah and Hamas are dedicated to giving calm to the State of Israel.

  2. #2, put your emotions aside. Since 1967 the State of Israel has controlled all of the country, and Gaza is merely an appendage of it. The qassams were not shot by Hamas, and Hamas has officially had a hudna regardless of what the Zionists do to them. They are trying to obtain diplomatic legitimacy and recognition. However, what emerges is that they are doing what Fatah did over the last 20 years, so I don’t know why Zionists get so worked up about it.

  3. #2: He’s either being sarcastic, or he is a member of the Naturei Karta. I wouldn’t get too perturbed over the comment.

  4. goodyiddel is neither a member of the Neturei Karta nor is he tongue-in-cheek. He is a believer who accepts the fact that Allah Hu Akbar and Muhammed is his last prophet. And if we Jews don’t accept that as a fact than as it says in the Koran,”…and if behind the rock and the tree he calls out that I am a Jew than he is to die by the sword of Allah….” Chas V’Shalom!

    He is either a follower of that crazy one as the Gemora refers to Muhammed or he is Robert Spencer’s twin brother.

  5. Whatever anyone says as an insult is unimportant. The facts on the ground are what counts. What counts is that the State of Israel controls everything, and nothing has changed since 1948. People live freely between Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and no one is changing that. Not a single Arab force has ever done any long lasting damage to the Medinah since 1948, and in fact some argue that the Malach of Ishmoel is working hand in hand with the malach of Esav to keep the Medinah going year in and year out, NO MATTER WHAT. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong!

  6. They can all talk about the “peace process” from now until 2020, but nothing will change bederech hateva. Nothing. They’ll still be talking about the “peace process” next year and the year after, and the year after that, and the year after that…….

  7. Good Bubby,

    Although I agree with your statement, I would like to question your assessment that the gemarah calls Mohammad a Crazy one. The gemarah was completed in the 3rd century, and the “Crazy One” only came out in 627 AD.

    There seems to be a discrepancy here.

  8. hey goodyiddel.. I suggest you talk to the ppl of sderot where THOUSANDS of ROCKETS were shot at them!!!!!!!!! That’s not peaceful.. also tractor attacks , stabbings etc etc.. they found other ways to be terrorists!!!! GROW UP!!

  9. goodyiddel – no “good yiddel” will be saying what you are saying. 1st get your facts right. what planet were you on for the past 8 years when the south was continuously bombed. Remember the war “oferet yetzuka” or “cast lead” just this past Hanukah? What are you talking about “peace for 2 years without shooting or bombings?”

    It’s either you’re hamas undercover or you don’t get enough attention at home. either way, you have just lost all credibility on this site – right or left wing alike. and if #6 is right by you being sarcastic – you chose the wrong subject to be sarcastic over – NOT FUNNY! YOU SHOULD THINK THINGS THRU BEFORE YOU ACT!!!!! too many yiddens got killed (HY’D), hurt, and psychologically affected by this. Little kinderlach are STILL receiving psychological treatments to help them cope with their fears. they still hear the whistling of the bombs in their head.

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