Suspect in Custody in Vandalism Attack against Toldos Aaron

arrest5.jpgPolice on Wednesday apprehended a 20-year-old chareidi male who admitted to taking part in the vandalism and violence outside the Toldos Aaron beis medresh during second hakofos on motzei Simchas Torah. He was brought before a remand hearing and ordered held-over for an additional three days.

According to a Chareidim report, the suspect is a member of another chassidus, and admits to throwing fireworks into the beis medresh area, resulting in at least one injury.

The incident began shortly before 3:00am on motzei yomtov, when the delinquents began tossing fireworks at the beis medresh area, resulting in a panic. Most of the others involved are believed to be younger than the male in custody.

The incident ended miraculously with only a number of minor injuries in the beis medrash, and the Rebbe Shlita has called to host a kiddush this shabbos to thank HaKadosh Baruch Hu for the unlikely outcome, realizing it could have ended tragically.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. he should be locked up i was there and the feeling was that there was a terrorist attack there were broken legs and other injuries that was the most stupid irresponsible action i have ever seen

  2. i walked in to Toldas Ahron in middle of the Akufass, i was on the Brenches opposite the Ohran Hakudesh (Rebber) where the Balay Batim where. as the Gabber say’s $14.500 for the Last akuffa Suddenly i hear Bang, Gun Shoots flashing Bang lights, Suddenly you sew Kids, Adults little children Running, Screaming, Collapsing, people piling up on top of each other. me as an EMT and a counter Terrorist trained I raised my voice to my side of the Brenches were the Bal-Batim were and said don’t run, you going to injuries your self and other’s slowly leave or take cover and stay calm. but it did not help much, yes some did listen but some did not and were injured by the pile ups. in middle of this Terrible tragic i look behind me if everything is ok, i see people still running for cover and at the top was a boy doing the Body Cover, meaning head between the legs and hands by the toes. it was so interesting the kid was the only one actually doing this, and how did he know what to do, well the answer is before he came to Israel his Parents give him and the family a few Precaution in case of an terror attack, so yes Thanks for His Parent’s. we all should learn from that.

    anyways to cut the story short, i dealt with four cases.
    1)went cold out Due to shock
    2)Pulled out his shoulder
    3)went in to shock
    4)badly injured after collapsing by the entrance and people running out causing to trod on him.

    What I believe that we should learn from this Tragic Story.

    1)Teach our Children to be ready and told what to do when something goes wrong
    2)if it was a Terrorist, Toldas Ahron Should have Security Officer’s WITH GUNS.
    3)where were the Hatzolah Equipment, it should be as well kept on the premises

    P.S. Sorry for my spelling…………..

  3. I am from the USA, and as I have done for the last 4 years, I came to participate at the hakofis by the rebbie. The “Chutznick Cage” had no more place, so I, along with my 3 sons and a nephew, were just escorted onto that perenchas / bleachers one line before the top, around 20 feet in the air, backing the entrance.

    They were selling something for the rebbie, and all of a sudden I herd 3 or 4 loud shoots, which sounded like gun shoots. I turned around to the entrance, the direction of the shoots and saw additional blast, smoke and explosions. At this point I was sure that it was a terrorist attack. The next thing I see is my son free falling all the way to the floor, or on top of other people. i could not see my other kids at all. I also herd people scream “ mea sheesed” …”they are shooting” and at this point the pandemonium was out of control. All the people on that bleacher, jumped, fell, or were pushed down to the floor and got trampled, and the rest of the people were running for ther life away from that section. I myself was pushed only two levels down; put was pinned down with people on top of me. My legs were pressed into the metal flooring of the protruding bleachers, and are both still bleeding now 1 week later. At this point I could not move a muscle from all the terror and pachade, and was visibly shaking……I just could not move, and fell on my face and said “ Shema Yesrual” in a slow and calculating decision, to say good buy to this world and meet with my creator.

    In no uncertain terms, the most frightening moment in my life…..after the noise calmed down and we realized whatever just happened was over….and we were all b”h alive …I gathered my kids….and left….I think for good.

    I would like to think I am not a person who takes Nekumah >>>……but the people / boys, who carried out this act, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I along with all my attending family benched goymil and am very grateful to the Rebony Shel Olam that it was just a scare, and got away with bruised legs…..but THEY should know they caused irreversible mental and physical tzar, and should pay dearly… that others will NOT copy and do similar acts of play terror that can, and usually does, the same collateral physical and mental damage.


  4. Collapsing, people piling up on top of each other. me as an EMT and a counter Terrorist trained I raised my voice to my side of the Brenches were the Bal-Batim were and said don’t run, you going to injuries your self and other’s slowly leave or take cover and stay calm. but it did not help much, yes some did listen but some did not and were injured by the pile ups. in middle of this Terrible tragic i look behind me if everything is ok, i see people still running for cover and at the top was a boy doing the Body Cover

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