‘Sanhedrin’ Angered Over Maran Rav Elyashiv Har HaBayis Ruling

pel1.jpgThe group calling itself the ‘Sanhedrin’ released a statement in response to President Shimon Peres’ Sukkos visit to Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita a visit that resulted in the publication of a statement by the gadol hador, who called on the president to keep Jews off Har HaBayis. The Sanhedrin’s statement read “The behavior of President Shimon Peres until now may cause an existential threat to the People of Israel, the region and the entire world”.

The statement refers to the publicity surrounding the visit, during which Rav Elyashiv reportedly called on the president to act to keep Jews off Har HaBayis due to its kedusha as well as fearing the Jewish presence will spark the fury of the “nations of the world”.

Signing the documents on behalf of the Sanhedrin are Prof. Hillel Weiss, the Sanhedrin’s spokesman, and Sanhedrin secretary Dov Stein. They explain that visits to Har HaBayis are done as per the instructions and decision of rabbonim.

They elaborate by stating permitting Jews to visit Har HaBayis for tefillos and to thank Hashem is done as a result of consultation and instruction of important rabbonim, also serving to reveal that in the “peace process” the Muslims object to the Chosen People visiting the Mount to daven, as well as rejecting Israel’s right despite the written word. Along this ideology, radical Islam is working to eradicate any trace of the Jewish presence on Har HaBayis, the First and Second Temples, and this is the “peace process” of the Muslims.

The Sanhedrin expresses surprise over the president’s position, who objects to excavations under the holy sites after adopting a policy of passive approval exhibited by silence and restraint towards the Islamic Movement [which continues to flourish under the Israeli rule] as tenacious efforts continue to shatter any historic trace of the Temples through vandalism that has been ongoing for a decade.

ep1.jpgTo our joy, in the rubbish disposed of from the Mount, remnants and artifacts proving the Jewish historical roots have been found.

The Sanhedrin calls on UNESCO leader Irina Bokova to arrange for organized, objective and comprehensive excavations on all of Har HaBayis, including under the mosques, to verify the exact location of the Beis HaMikdosh towards silencing the lies and deniers of truth, a step that will undoubtedly advance world peace.

Distancing the Jews from the Mount is a greater insult to HaKadosh Baruch Hu and the nations of the world that observe the Jews, expecting them to acknowledge Hashem’s mercy with the Jews and the nations for giving the city of the Mikdosh. The Shechina and the nations wait together with Am Yisrael for the return of the Temple service.

We call on the sons of the Chosen Nation, religious, chareidim and secularists to visit Har HaBayis, only to the areas permitted by halacha, and to daven to Hashem for our redemption, towards speedily bringing back the Temple towards bringing real, true and lasting peace to the entire world.

As per the Sanhedrin’s website, authorized representatives include Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz, Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Rabbi Dov Levanoni, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Rabbi Yehuda Edri and Rabbi Dov Stein.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

26 Responses

  1. Nothing except Jewish exitinction will stop provoking the ARAB WORLD. The Arabs fought against davening, benches,congregating,& shofar blowing during the 1920’s at the Kosel Plaza and started riots (Chevron was the worse murderous one) because they DID NOT GET THERE WAY.
    Visiting the Har Habayis or not is not my point, the facts are the ARABS do not want JEWS in the land of ISRAEL (or Palestine), now or ever. And those who want to fantisize about the peaceful and idyllic life style of the ARABS & JEWS prior to Zionism, Hollywood and Walt Disney are ready and waiting for the script.

  2. why are you giving these guys credibility? Just post that these chutzpinyaks disagree with the gadol hador. What’s with the whole crooked rationalzation?

  3. Personally I don’t find this entire article to be newsworthy. However, if you at “Yeshiva World” do, at the very least put ‘Sanhedrin’ in quotation marks though out the article and not just in the heading.

  4. Nacent Sanhedrin? How can a ceremonial body make such statements? When did a ceremonial body become spokes persons for us? Har Habayis is ours. The arabs want us and the world to think we dont exist nor have we existed. Lets just, once and for all, take back whats ours. They will hate us no matter what we do so lets just do whats right now and forget the “power of a ceremonial body”. RDY

  5. I’ve often felt that one can’t make sweeping claims or generalizations, yet apparently the people on this website disagree with me. R’ Elyashiv is one of the main poskim of our generation, yet his isn’t THE posek hador (I wonder how many people on here don’t make a ha’gaffen on pasteurized grape juice, for example). Talmedai chachamim all have their own opinions. To not acknowledge that R’ Steinzaltz, as well as the other Rabbonim involved with this, are talmedai chachamim is ignorance of the highest order. You, as someone who isn’t a talmud chacham, should say “interesting” and move on.

  6. Articles like this are, in my opinion ovair on “lifnai eevair…” All they do is enflame divisiveness and nastiness on both sides of the issue. Not something a frum news outlet should want to do.

  7. The ‘fury of the world’ aint changing, whether we visit the Har Habayis or if we never set foot upon it again.
    The Arabs are trying to erase any signs of Jewish soverignity from Yerushayalim Ir Hakodesh, that is why they are removing rubble and signs from the time of the Mikdash.

  8. #1 if you think the Chevron Massacre was prior to the advent of Zionism in E”Y or not as a direct result of the tension caused by Jewish nationalistic aspirations then you have to recheck your history. I am not saying it wasn’t a horrible, murderous event but the fact is that relations were RELATIVELY peaceful until the Zionist arrived.

  9. #2 – Was this a Psak based on Halocha or was this more along the lines of Daas Torah? Even if Psak, do you mean to say that everyone must follow every Psak of the “Posek Hadaor” in every case regardless of differing opinions? By the way, how is the Posek Hador defined, elected, conferred, etc, and who’s on deck?

  10. #12 – Are you nuts? That’s like saying things were RELATIVELY peaceful in Birmingham until the agitators began to sit in the ‘wrong’ seat on a bus. Jews continue to have it RELATIVELY peaceful in Iran – is that a peachy place to live?

  11. #12 – I find it interesting that all historical anti-semitism is blamed on ‘eisav sonei l’yaakov’ except Arab persecutions, since it is more gratifying to blame it on Zionism.

    It was also ‘relatively peaceful’ in Germany except 1936-1945.

    Please check out the following massacres:
    Basra, Iraq 1776
    Libya 1785
    Algiers 1805, 1815, 1830
    Tzfas, 1834
    Damascus 1840, 1848, 1890
    Aleppo, Syria 1850, 1875
    Beirut 1862, 1874
    Istanbul 1870, 1874
    Baghdad 1828
    Morocco 1864-1880
    Jerusalem 1847

    Just to list a few……..

    Jews had been living in many Arab countries for hundreds of years and were thrown out and sent TO Israel because Arabs DIDN’T want to see a Jewish state created. (Does this make any sense?)

  12. Vadim all I was saying was that his statement that the violence in Chevron preceded Zionism is not accurate. I did not say it was Gan Eden but I’m sure you understand that we are in גלות and life as a jew is not always rosy. To think that life in E”Y did not get worse because Zionism is wrong.

  13. And for all those people who are complaining about R’ Elyashiv being considered the Posek Hador on this forum, please understand that this site is called The Yeshiva World.

  14. Not only is HaRav Elyashiv SHLIT”A the Gadol HaDor, whose Halachic decisions are binding (per “VeAsisa KeChol Asher Yoruchah”), his Psak (ruling) prohibiting entry to the Har HaBayis (Temple Mount) is consistent with the long-standing prohibition of the Gedolim of previous generations.

    Please see the Hodaah VeAzharah document signed by over 50 Gedolim in 1967:

    The “Sanhedrin” group is a creation of the Temple Institute. Considering the seriousness of this matter — Safek Isur Kares, R”L — they are playing with fire.

    FYI, the Rabbanim HaRashiim SHLIT”A (both Chief Rabbis of Israel) agree with Rav Elyashiv SHLIT”A that any and all entry to the Har HaBayis is forbidden!

  15. The Arabs were certainly never our friends, but relatively speaking we lived in FAR FAR more peace under their rule, then we EVER did under Christian rule.

  16. Rav Elyashiv shilt”a does not need any of our backing! others who oppose his psak seem to be “tumelers” the yeshiva velt never went with tumelers.

  17. This “Sanhedrin” reminds me of an exchange between
    Rabbi Maimon/Fishman and Rabbi Zalman Serotzkin.
    When R.M.F was going on about the necessity of establishing a Sanhedrin, R.Z.S. retorted, “Be careful. The first thing they will do is judge you as a Zokon Mamre!”

  18. #20 The reason the Jews looked like they lived more peacefully under Arab rule, is because they integrated, did business with, attend the schools of and adopted food/culture customs of their Arab neighbors. IOW they were a needed partner to the Arab merchant, who without the Jewish brain, brawn and insight — there was no income.
    Jews living in Christian countries were in most cases isolated, insular and not hands on with their Christian neighbors. (for many reasons, some being the law etc. — except in Germany). The few bankers Rothschilds, parliment members (rabbanim & manhegim) were scarce in number. A Jew in Europe dead was more useful then a vital Jewish businessman in the Arab empire.

  19. #7, your comment, “I wonder how many people on here don’t make a ha’gaffen on pasteurized grape juice, for example,” is hardly applicable as not making a ha’gaffen on pasteurized grape juice is not seen as provoking the enemy which could lead to, heaven forbid, murders. The tensions in the area are great and measuring the cost of an innocent life over what is to be gained by going against R’ Elyashiv’s recommendation, seems to clearly be in favor of his ruling. Also, keep in mind, think twice before saying someone is a main poskim of our generation, “BUT”……. No “buts”. Think about what it means to become a “main poskim” in any generation.

  20. the “authority” for any ruling is derived, according to all Rishonim at least, by the “power of attorney” assigned by the Tzibur.

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