Mr. Noam Shalit to Meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy Thursday

Mr. Noam Shalit is scheduled to meet once again with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris, seeking to advance efforts towards obtaining the release of his son Gilad. The Shalits are also French citizens.

During the private meeting, Mr. Shalit hopes to hear some encouraging words, a sign of progress that might signal something is taking place that can provide the family with the hope of seeing Gilad home in the near future.

In recent statements released to the media, Mr. Shalit stated he does not believe Gilad will return home in the near future, somewhat discouraged by the lack of progress in ongoing efforts by Israel and mediators working towards obtaining Gilad’s release.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The solution is simple. The heck with the UN and the heck with the US. No other country would just sit back while a citizen is held hostage.
    Israel should make it clear that until he’s released there will be absolutely no talk of peace, expansion of settlements will continue, complete blockade of the territories, and withholding of tax revenues. Should Shalit be harmed in anyway, PM Abbas will be personally responsible, and will be brought to Israel for trial.

    Where is the Israel that I once knew?

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