V’Koreh S’hmo B’Yisrael Shmuel

bibi.jpgPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday attended the bris of his first grandchild, who was named Shmuel. The bachor was born to the prime minister’s daughter Noa, a daughter from Mr. Netanyahu’s first marriage.

Noa became shomer shabbos a number of years ago together with her husband Daniel Roth.

The event was held in the home of friends and as one would imagine, security was heavy. The mohel was none other than the well-known Jerusalem mohel R’ Moshe Weissberg. The sandek was the prime minister’s father, Prof. Netanyahu, the bachor’s great grandfather. Among the notables attending the simcha was Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau Shlita.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

8 Responses

  1. The PM’s father’s name is Ben-Tzion (not sure how he spells it), certainly not Binyamin. There have been so many silly mistakes, especially recently (e.g., “Professor Yonath Ribosome” [sic – her given name is Ada; the surname is Yonath, and she’s done RESEARCH on ribosomes!]) – does anyone proof the copy? How do you expect it to be taken seriously as journalism?

  2. #1,
    I think they mean b’chor (the oldest), not bochur. When it comes to transliteration, spelling is not very consistent and it’s easy to cause confusion like this.

    As an editor/proofreader myself, I’ve come to accept the fact that most frum media outlets do not put much stock in copy proofing. It used to set my teeth on edge, but these days I just shake my head and laugh.

  3. You guys seriously need to be more careful. There isn’t a day without spelling errors and often errors in facts. You think because your service delivery is good that you can just ignore providing decent journalistic writing?

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