Gavaad Weiss Hospitalized In ‘Hadassah Hospital’ & Released;

gavad.jpg[VIDEO LINK BELOW] Eida Chareidis Gavaad Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on Wednesday afternoon after complaining of not feeling well. He underwent a battery of tests and released later in the day.

Eida official R’ Shmuel Pepenheim stated that it is evident from this that R’ Weiss is not boycotting Hadassah as the media may like some to believe. He added that the boycott was represented the actions of a number of private individuals, not the Eida, and while there are some issues regarding Hadassah, there is no boycott.

Pepenheim however added that the fact that R’ Weiss was taken to Hadassah should not signal all is well with the hospital, explaining his physician is affiliated with the hospital, prompting the decision to go there for tests.

No information was released regarding Gavaad Weiss’ condition.

VIDEO & PHOTO LINK: It is interesting to note that just three weeks ago thousands of Satmar Chasidim from the UJO faction, staged a massive protest in Manhattan against Hadassah Hospital. Click HERE to watch the video.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Hadassah is one of the best medical institutions in the entire world. those who want to boycott, please do and make room for others who want to avail themselves of the services, professional knowledge and updated machinery at the hospital.

  2. it kills me every time i see this footage. I literally get sick in the stomach and it demoralizes my soul. I start having feelings of disgust for the entire satmar community and more importantly lose any respect for their rebbeim or grand rebbe. Feelings of sinat hinam start forming in my system and my yetser hara gains strength. Am i warranted to feel disgust for the sinner? Are they sinning? is this a hillul hashem? Am i the only one?

  3. There were no thousands there. Just 1 narrow street. And NOT ONE big Rebbe, none of the SATMAR RABBIS attended. This is the best evidence that a few hardliners and Buchrim made a protest.


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