Sheikh Salah Arrested, Released, and Expelled from Jerusalem

It appears Israel’s legal system made its big play on Tuesday towards halting mounting Islamic violence in Jerusalem and the inciters behind the violence. Police during the afternoon hours arrested Sheikh Raid Salah who heads the northern branch of the Israel Islamic Association, on charges of incitement. The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court ordered him released, prohibiting him from entering Jerusalem for 30 days. The court turned down a police request to keep Salah behind bars.

During the Tuesday night remand hearing, the state showed evidence, recent statements made by Salah who is working to stir up an Islamic revolution in the capital. After seeing classified evidence in the case, Justice Shimon Feinberg acknowledged that Salah was indeed “dangerous” and since his presence in the capital could pose a danger, he is barred from entering for a month. His release was contingent on a third party guarantee.

Defense attorney Khaled Zbarke accused police and the state of attempting to curtail freedom of speech and religion, rejecting the legitimacy of the state’s claims against the sheikh, insisting Israel is seeking to challenge the global Islamic community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. WOW! A whole 30 days! The “HIGH” court is SOOOO tough arabs! “His release was contingent on a third party guarantee” – and we KNOW how much you can trust the word of the yishmaelim! (They don’t even trust EACH OTHER!!!)

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