Jerusalem Police Chief Expresses Anger at Arab Community

Jerusalem Police Chief Aaron Franco released a number of harsh statements, expressing anger towards the Israeli Arab community. His remarks have elicited the ire of some Arab officials, even to the point they are demanding his dismissal. Franco commented following the Islamic rioting and violence in the eastern capital, labeling the Israeli Arabs as “ungrateful”, sparking a slew of remarks against the senior commander.

MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi for example stated “all Jews are not so smart,” adding the police chief should take a course in democracy and its values.

He accused Franco of hurting the Muslim community by setting age restrictions for worshipers permitted onto the Temple Mount; adding god did not set such restrictions, totally avoiding any acceptance of responsibility for the restrictions, the result of ongoing violence and unprovoked attacks since erev Yom Kippur. Tibi went on to say that “even occupational forces permit freedom of religion”, but stated this is not the case with Franco.

MK Jamal Zahalka called for Franco to step down, echoing Tibi’s remarks that the commander lacks respect for freedom of religion. His words were also echoed by MK Talab al-Sana.

The Arab lawmakers basically opt to ignore the Arab community’s role that led to the restrictions on Har HaBayis visitors, and opt to ignore the fact the Mount is closed to all non-Muslim visitors due to the riots, perhaps because they are pleased with the results which give them de facto undisturbed sovereignty on the Mount.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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