Sheikh Raid Salah Calls on Muslims to Defend the Temple Mount

srs.jpgSheikh Raid Salah, who heads the northern branch of the Israel Islamic Association, on Sunday, called on Muslims to come forward to defend the Temple Mount, insisting no non-Muslims have any legitimate claim to Har HaBayis. He called on Israeli Arabs to come to the Mount and join the hundreds who are proudly repelling intruders.

The calls to “come to the Mount” were echoed by the PA (Palestinian Authority)-appointed Grand Mufti, the Islamic Waqf religious leader.

Salah, a known Islamic fundamentalist, rejects any Jewish claim to Har HaBayis, and praised today’s violence which prompted Israel Police to close Hay HaBayis to non-Muslims, fearing violence at the location. Despite the closure, hundreds of Arabs hurled rocks and bottles at security agents, resulting in a number of light injuries and arrests.

Sadly, Israel is tolerating violence in the heart of her capital, especially this week, Sukkos, with violence ongoing since erev Yom Kippur, undoubtedly timed to coincide with the yomim tovim. It appears the government and police are afraid to close Har HaBayis to Muslim worshipers too, a move that would according to most spark Islamic riots.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Sadly. The Israeli gov’t is afraid of everyone lately, have you noticed? Obama, the UN, the “Palestinians” the Iranians, and they are smelling blood, these enemies of the Jews, sad indeed.

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