Tuesday Evening News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Baruch Dayan Emes: Rebbitzin Chavah Brazovski, z”l, was niftar in Eretz Yisrael on Tuesday evening. She was the mother of the Slonim Rebbe Shlita and the daughter of the Birchas Avraham of Slonim zt”l.

**A Haifa court overruled a Shin Bet decision banning entry to Green Line Israel to a PA resident wishing to be reunited with his Israeli Arab wife. Shin Bet officials stated the man, Jihad Nasr, poses a security risk and banned him despite a High Court decision permitting his entry. Haifa court stated Shin Bet does not have the right to veto the High Court’s decision, overruling security concerns of the intelligence agency.

**Kassam rockets fired at southern Israel at about 7:00pm. No injuries reported.

**Second Kassam launch into southern Israel. B’chasdei Hashem, once again, no injuries.

**Two firebombs hurled near el-Hader Junction in Gush Etzion. No injuries.

**Terrorists on Tuesday afternoon opened fire at workers along the security fence in the Karni area. Baruch Hashem, there were no injuries.

**State ceremonies were held on Tuesday marking the 36th anniversary of the October 1973 Yom Kippur War in which approximately over 2,600 soldiers were killed.

**A UK court on Tuesday pushed off a ruling on a request to issue an international arrest warrant against DM Barak for alleged war crimes, based on the report released by the UN’s Goldstone Commission.

**The interim report of the state board of inquiry investigating the treatment of Gaza evictees stated on Tuesday that despite four years since their expulsion, the end of their plight is not yet in sight, blaming both the government and evacuees for their precarious situation.

**Rock-throwing attack against an Israeli vehicle in the Bet Lechem area. No injuries reported. The attack occurred between el-Hader Jct. and the Minharot Ckpt.

**Jerusalem Municipality inspectors on Tuesday confiscated a large quantity of palm branches on sale for schach near Imrei Shefer. YWN-Israel did not learn why the schach was confiscated by city officials, who used a crane to lift the quantity of schach from the area. Shach is being sold in other areas of Har Nof, so it is possible the inspectors felt the location posed too great a traffic hazard.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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