Arabs Seeking to Place DM Barak Under Arrest in the UK

barak11.jpgRelying on his ministerial immunity, traveling on a diplomatic passport, aides to Defense Minister Ehud Barak indicate the minister is not canceling a planned visit to the UK despite efforts by Arabs to have an arrest warrant issued against Barak. The arrest warrant rests on the “war crimes” documented in the Goldstone Report, adding Israel may also be guilty of crimes against humanity.

Approaching a London court, the law firms of Irvine Thanvi & Natas (ITN) and Imran Khan & Partners requested an international arrest warrant against Barak. The law firms represent residents of Hamas-controlled Gaza. Despite Barak’s diplomatic immunity, the lawyers are confident they stand a good chance of overriding his senior ministerial post due to the severity of the report, citing Israeli decision-makers must be held accountable.

The defense minister is scheduled to meet with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Tuesday and Foreign Minister David Miliband on Wednesday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Anybody with an arrest record should be deported if they come to Israel to go aza. They should be denied entry and all electricity should be cut off with fuel supplies. Why does Israel have to feed it’s enemy. Only by bring them to there knees by having the people over throw hamas will the nonsense stop. If the UK does this, all reporters should be thrown out. Start to play hard ball.

  2. How predictably spiteful of the arabs. The UK banned Michael Savage for no more than associating the word terrorists with arabs. Imagine that! Now, they are pushing the envelope even further; and it might work again, heaven forbid.

  3. This is just a publicity stunt. He has diplomatic immunity, so no court can touch him. Besides which, he runs the IDF, one of the toughest military outfits in the world! Does anyone really think the UK would risk arresting him, when he has that kind of firepower at his disposal?

  4. #5- Does he really have diplomatic immunity? I remember a few years ago, another Israeli official (can’t remember who right now. Sharon?) didn’t disembark when he landed in the UK since there was an arrest warrant like this one waiting for him.

  5. Barak has diplomatic immunity. On the other hand, all of these rules are changing, so who knows what a European court with an agenda might do? Inb all probability, the UK court will strike this down.

    anonymouse1079–the Israeli official that you are thinking of was a senior officer in the IDF, not a member of the government.

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