State Inquiry into Gush Katif Evacuees Demand Fix by 2010

In an interim report released today, Tuesday, September 29, 2009, by the State Inquiry on Gov’t. Treatment of Gush Katif Evacuees called for a solution by 2010, placing the blame on government agencies and the evacuees themselves.

The commission of inquiry is headed by retired High Court Justice Eliezer Matza, who received his mandate from the court’s president, Justice Dorit Beinish.

Some 5 years after being evicted from their homes in Gaza and N. Shomron, the evacuees are struggling to adjust, to find permanent housing, proper schools for their children, and of course, seeking gainful employment.

The number of divorces among evacuee families has risen of course, and the problems exhibited by the children are many, and at times, quite complex. They families have been abandoned by the very same government that expelled them from their homes, against their will, and they are now by-and-large begin ignored.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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