American Leaders Continue to Live in Dreamland

The PA (Palestinian Authority) refusal to recognize Israel and Hamas’ statements and actions focusing on one goal, Israel’s destruction, seem to elude American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, placing the State Department in the same diplomatic bubble with the White House.

The elusions of a new Mideast order seem to obsess senior officials in the Barak Obama administration, while Iranian, Hizbullah, Hamas and Syrian threats to the region seek to indeed to create a new Mideast order, one that does not include a State of Israel.

In her latest call to champion Mideast peace efforts, Secretary Clinton on Saturday night urged Arab nations to take the necessary steps towards normalized relations with Israel. She called on Israel’s neighbors to assist in promoting the so-called peace process, which translates to additional land concessions by Jerusalem, the establishment of the State of Palestine inside Eretz Yisrael and the division of Jerusalem to permit the Palestinian state to have its capital.

The secretary did not detail, but stated her talks during the UN General Assembly with Arab officials were “extremely productive”.

It has been many years since the signing of the Oslo Agreement on the White House lawn on that infamous day, September 13, 1993, when the secretary’s husband, then US President Bill Clinton, brokered the deal that called for concessions from Israel.

Today, some 16 years after the fact, Israel has withdrawn, armed her enemies, expelled Jews from their homes, and endured unprecedented terror that has left thousands dead and maimed for life.

Now, Secretary of Clinton continues speaking of additional good-will gestures to Israel’s so-called peace partner, headed by Holocaust denier PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who undertook arranging the necessary funding for the Munich Olympic massacre, which targeted the Israeli Olympic team during the Olympic games. 

YWN-Israel adds that today, erev Yom Kippur, it is our fervent tefilla that Israel’s leaders will come to the realization that only through recognition of Hashem and his laws will they succeed, and Israel’s future will not be guaranteed by the Knesset, and not even the White House, and perhaps, the cabinet on Monday, Yom Kippur, should convene in urgent session, in a shul, offering their tefillos to HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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