Gillibrand: Iranian Regime’s Word Cannot Be Trusted

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement after President Barack Obama and the leaders of France and Great Britain demanded immediate inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities with a threat of tougher sanctions.

“Today’s sobering announcement about Iran’s nuclear program demands unprecedented global cooperation.  All nations should follow the lead of President Obama and our closest allies and require Iran to allow full inspections immediately.  I’m hopeful that Russia and China will now see that the safety of the world depends on the global community coming together to threaten tougher sanctions should Iran ignore our demands.

“I had the privilege of visiting Israel this month to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and his top military and intelligence advisors to discuss a wide range of issues, particularly the threat posed by Iran. After these discussions, my conviction has only grown that the global community must come together to stop Iran’s nuclear program and growing negative influence in the region.

“Many experts believe that Iran’s ability to launch a nuclear bomb is getting dangerously close, and the continuation of Iran’s enrichment program increases its ability to intimidate and influence its neighbors. In discussions with Israeli leaders, it is clear that a nuclear Iran not only threatens our great ally and friend in the Middle East, but could incite a nuclear arms race in the Gulf that results in a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb in the hands of terrorists.

“Iranian regime’s word cannot be trusted, and a nuclear Iran cannot be tolerated.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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