Court Says Enough Delays in Miller Trial (Bochrim In Japan)

miller.jpgTel Aviv District Court Justice Haled Kabuv announced on Thursday that four delays in the start of the trial of Bentzion Miller are enough, setting a final date for the trial to begin in a month. At that time, the state will begin presenting its case against Miller, who is alleged to have sent the bochrim imprisoned in Japan on their mission, one that cost them dearly.

Attorney Avraham Lindstein told the court once again, that other than purchasing plane tickets for the boys; his client has no connection with any of their actions and denies any link to alleged drug dealings. The defense added that it has yet to receive all the evidence in the case, explaining the prosecution promised to hand over photos but to date, all that was received was “blank pages”.

Prosecuting attorney Oren Paz expressed sorrow over the drawn out process, citing that on this fourth meeting in court, no progress is being made in the case. The state added that the defense attorney has yet to give his approval to the witness list as is customary, adding the state is willing to drop some of its 100 witnesses in the case in the interest of moving forward.

Miller was arrested seven months ago and is believed to have been the mastermind in the case, sending innocent bochrim on a mission, planting drugs in their bags without their knowledge. As a result, they were incarcerated in Japan, under extremely harsh conditions. Miller remains in custody without bail.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. sammygol, in any decent court of justice you need proofs. W/o proofs, he walks out free, but will subject to din v’chesbon to Bais Din shel Mallah.

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