Court Inclined to Relocate Meah Shearim Mom

ch.jpgDuring a hearing in the Jerusalem District Court to discuss the terms of the Meah Shearim mom’s release, Justice Moshe Ravid indicated he is inclined to accept the state’s position, that the mother and her children must be relocated to another home, outside of Meah Shearim, to permit social services professionals access and an ability to properly monitor the situation. This of course would not include “C”, the child the mother is alleged to have abused. “C” is living with his uncle in Beit Shemesh.

The court instructed social services officials to submit a report by month’s end, seeking opinions on three options. 1) The mom remains at home with her children, supervised by four female family relatives; 2) mom is relocated and is permitted to visit her children daily, under supervision; 3) mom and her children are relocated to a home outside Meah Shearim.

The mother told the court that the prosecution does not know and will never know just how well the children were treated – how their needs are taken care of at all times. She added that the current process has caused the children significant damage, with the children constantly questioning “when are they going to take you to jail” living with a constant fear that their mother is going to be removed from their lives.

The court granted the mother permission to leave her home on Yom Kippur to go to shul. Chareidim reports it has learned she will be davening in the new Toldos Aaron Beis Medresh.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. During that hearing the Prosecutors “discovered” a new reason to accuse the mother of abuse of her children: That she was constantly with her sick child in the hospital and neglected the children at home.

    What IQ dooes one need to be a “Prosecutor” in Israel?

  2. There is a bit of validity to that. Just because one child is sick does not mean the others should be ignored. There is another parent in the picture… where was HE the entire time? Why couldn’t they take turns so that the other children can be taken care of?

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