Yomtov Increases Anxiety Among Israel’s Poor

While the supermarkets and shuks are bustling with pre-yomtov shoppers, for the growing number of poor in Eretz Yisrael, Rosh Hashanah brings added anxiety, concern, and in some cases, depression. The mesirus nefesh of the non-profit tzedaka organizations is truly amazing, but the difficult economic realities of past months, increased unemployment and other factors have resulted in more requests with less of an ability to assist those in need.

According to the L’Tet (To Give) organization, which oversees nationwide efforts, there are demands for some 223,199 yomtov meals, a staggering number which officials do not believe they are capable of meeting. A breakdown of some major cities gives a small indication of how many people are seeking yomtov assistance, with L’Tet reporting in Jerusalem alone, there are 41,959 meal requests. In Bnei Brak there are 9,060, Ashdod (7,116), Tel Aviv (6,388), Beersheva (4.606) and Haifa (4,205).

Anyone wishing to assist may call the 24-hour hotline, 1-800-200-606.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I recently spoke with a gabbai tzedoka who assesses the needs of a large community, and he told me that we see Chasdei Shomayim, that this year all the Yom Tovim fall out on Shabbos, so there’s less “exquisite” food to prepare. The Ribbono Shel Olam takes cares of His children.
    כתיבה וחתימה טובה

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