DM Barak: Modi’in Illit is Not a Settlement

As politicians are engaged in discussion surrounding America’s demands for a construction freeze throughout Yehuda and Shomron, Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated “Modi’in Illit is not a settlement but a city”, eliciting a response from the city’s mayor, R’ Yaakov Guterman, who emphasized the community is in the Israeli consensus.

In the weekend Yediot Achronot, Guterman is quoted as speaking of his community and how it is in the consensus, explaining that while the community is located over the Green Line; it is not viewed as a settlement. “Everyone from Yossi Beilin to Bibi Netanyahu agrees that we will be part of the Jewish state. We are part of the State of Israel just like Ramot in Jerusalem and Ramat Eshkol”.

Prior to the establishment of the community, Gedolei Yisrael Shlita instructed Degel HaTorah MKs to meet with the defense minister, Yitzchak Rabin, to inquire as to the future of such a community in a final settlement agreement with the PA (Palestinian Authority). They were told that the community is among the consensus and therefore, it would remain as part of Israel in any future agreement.

Chareidim adds that even Peace Now’s Yariv Oppenheim admits that unlike other “classic settlements”, Modi’in Illit was not established on ideological grounds, but the result of real estate realities. It was established as a solution to the chareidi housing shortage.

Last week, Barak gave the go-ahead for 86 new housing units in the community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Mr. Gutterman: Which population have you decided to include in your consensus? Does this include the Arabs, the Obama Administration, שלום עכשיו? Every single inch of the Holy Land was purchased with blood, sweat and tears. Comments like these only provide support to the enemy who consistently looks to divide and conquer. Remember, that Gush Katif was you call “consensus” and Sderot is. Unfortunately the same fate has befallen both communities. There is an old American saying “We all need to hang together. Otherwise, we will hang seperately.” Support עמנואל and נחליאל, two Charedi settlements in שומרון, and with Hashem’s grace you will be blessed with peace in your city. Continue to support division, and you will be left like poor Jews in Sderot, who don’t have enough money to leave.

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