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Speculation: PM Planning Offensive Against Iran

iaf.jpgWith the prime minister disappearing earlier this week for 14 hours, reportedly making a secret visit to Russia, and America now confirming Iran is dangerously close to enriching sufficient uranium for an atomic bomb, there is rising speculation in Israel that the administration is about to take matters into its own hands – unwilling to permit the existential Iranian threat against Israel to continue expanding.

The Israeli media created a stir over an unauthorized statement released by the military secretary to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Brig.-General Meir Kalifa, which was learned to be a false statement to cover up the prime minister’s whereabouts. This led to a turnaround from the Kremlin too, which originally denied the visit but Russian media reports quoting “Kremlin sources” then stated otherwise.

It should be stressed that Russian diplomatic officials continue to deny the secret visit took place. Israel Radio on Thursday afternoon reported Russia now confirms the visit too.

The speculation also surrounds reports that the first delivery of advanced anti-aircraft weapons reached Syria, believed intended for Iran. If this is so, it means Russia has betrayed a commitment to Israel stating Moscow would not sell any weapons to Israel’s enemies that could shift the regional balance of power.

The anti-aircraft system would significantly complicate an Israeli aerial offensive against Iran, but experts in Israel insist such an operation is still doable should the government give the green light for such a bold offensive.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. I know that the intent of this site is to be informative with regard to vital stories about Israel and other Jewish matters…that said must every piece of information that could potentially be a heads up to Israels enemies be published?

  2. Once in a while Israel flexes it’s military muscle at the right time for the right reason and regains the respect it deserves for combining brain and muscle like no other country can. Such a move is long overdue.

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