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More on Netanya Kollel Fatal Stabbing

mda1.jpgThe people involved in the Netanya stabbing reported earlier by YWN were indeed members of a kollel, but not in the regular classical sense of the word. The victim, Dovid Manshrov Z”L and one of the suspects in custody were released from prison not too long ago, and the second suspect also has a criminal record, as was stated in brief in the original report.

The head of the kollel is Rav Amos Gutta Shlita, a well-known Mekubal, known for his work with a ‘problematic sector’ of the city. He especially targets members of the N. African community.

It appears an argument was taking place between the victim and the suspect, who served three years in prison for stabbing someone, over the status of the rosh kollel. Chareidim reports, that earlier in the night, the victim hurled a construction block in the face of this suspect, who at about 4:00am decided to take revenge.

The Rav’s practice is to have learning through the night into the early morning hours, with members of the beis medresh explaining at 2:00am, one can commonly find 70 avreichim learning. Many people ‘come and go’ and all are welcome, no questions asked.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. sammygol-finally i am agreeing with you. Torah has a powerful effect on those who study it, but change does not come overnight. Truly, joining a yeshiva is the best rehabilitation for these Jewish criminals (R”L) and those who work with them deserve our highest praise and admiration.

  2. Remember what is said of the students of Rebbe Akiva? “Nahagu Kavod Zeh Bazeh” So this type of atmosphere of arguing over the status of a position to the extent of hurling stones and yielding knives is much worse!

  3. #9: If you can’t figure out what the writer is trying to point out, let me try to help. Click on the link in this story. It will take you to the first story that originally appeared on YWN. That story represented it as a dispute between 2 kollel fellows. Many of the comments below went on a rampage against kollel people.

    “YET the lesson to be learned is that the world at large, and specifically our torah observant kehilla needs training and education in CONFLICT RESOLUTION.”

    “Are we to presume we’re perfect? Does hiding our dirty laundry away make us more perfect?”

    “it is a sad fact that the frum world also has problems”

    And others that insinuate that our refined kollel people, bnai aliya that they are, are capable of such heinous deeds, even in a fit of passion. The worst kollel person (in the conventional sense) is so far removed from these maasim, so as to make those comments beyond the pale.
    When the writer wrote that, he meant to tell us that you can still believe that, as R” Chaim used to say, Bnai Torah are on a higher plane than the rest of us, as the difference between domeim and tzomeach, chai and medaber, etc.
    While it is a terrible tragedy, these people were not convetional bnai Torah, with years of avoda on tikun hamidos among other things. We hope they are all able to elevate themselves from the bad experiences of their lives, especially during these days of Elul, but they are NOT kollel people in the sense that we all understand the term to mean.

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