More on Meah Shearim Mom – Tuesday District Court Hearing

Jerusalem District Court Justice Moshe Ravid on Tuesday is expected to announce his decision regarding the state’s request to distance the Meah Shearim mom from her children during the duration of the trial. After reviewing the video footage from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, Justice Ravid stated “C”, the child who is the alleged victim, appeared like someone who came out of Auschwitz.

In a related matter, a Juvenile Court on Monday ruled the mother may see “C”, without social workers being present, and the court ruled such a meeting will take place on next week but the Jerusalem District Court decision expected Tuesday may result in different realities.

In Monday’s ruling, Justice Avital Chen ruled the mother would be accompanied by psychiatrist Dr. Kahn during the visit, chosen for the task by the family. The court ruled social services representatives needn’t be present during such visits, stating the mother does not pose a threat to her child. Justice Chen also announced the mother may speak with “C” on the phone as often as she pleases.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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