Judge: Meah Shearim Mom Disconnected Son’s Feeding Tube

ywnisrael3.jpgJerusalem District Court Justice Moshe Ravid on Tuesday announced the video footage provided by Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital was horrific indeed, adding the child who was allegedly abused by his mother, “C”, appeared as if he left Auschwitz. The court added that the video does show the mother disconnecting the child from his feeding tube as the state alleged, adding the evidence appears to be significant and enough for a conviction.

The naso-gastric tube disconnected by the defendant was intended to bring nourishment directly into the child’s stomach, and the mother disconnected the tube as the hospital has alleged all along but the defense attorney and the Meah Shearim community insisted this was not so, accusing the state and the hospital of orchestrating a witch hunt against the model mother.

The state also presented the court with complaints, one from a social services employee who was threatened by the defendant’s family and a second from an employee who was actually assaulted.

The state wants the defendant removed from her home and granted a one-hour daily supervised visit with her children while defense attorneys David Halevy and Reuven Bar-Chaim insist removing the mother from her home and distancing her from her children will have a traumatic impact on the little ones. The defense lawyers insist their client is not a threat to the children.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

19 Responses

  1. Let me guess… the judge is also part of the scheme, right?

    Basically every single non Chasidic person is in on the scheme, all conspiring to make this angel-on-earth lady appear like the bad guy.

    Videotape? What videotape? Maybe some non Chasidic person made an animation of the incident.

    Amazing how people are willing to villify hundreds of doctors, nurses, emergency personnel, judges, psychologists, etc rather than just admitting that this woman has a legitimate mental problem and desperately needs treatment.

    The people who are using this mentally ill woman as a pawn in their need for something to riot about are disgusting. Let her get the help she needs, and let the family be able to move on instead of heartlessly using them as pawns to create strife.

  2. I cannot understand how you can report the verdict of the Israeli court as fact, when it is known that the Israeli system is thouroughly corrupted when it comes to chareidi Jews, especially when it comes to defending the honour of their hospitals, social workers and police force. The hospital involved has over the course of history been involved in the scandals of yaldei teiman, where children were sold to secular couples and said to have died, nituchei meisim where ppl were sent for autopsies against the will of their family members and many more scandals and it is known that in those cases the state has always been accomplice in their cover ups and actions and I don’t see how you can believe one word that they say. As a religious website you shouldn’t be publicizing their claims as fact.Let the terrible abuse of the zionists be known and don’t be accomplice to their unforgivable sins.

  3. None of this publicity is to the kavod of the family, whether the mother is innocent or guilty. As long as things have reached this point, I think the chareidi press should avoid publishing updates to this story.

  4. N.G – You are negating the fact that some of the key witnesses involved in this case are also chareidim. Are they too involved in a scandal?

    The fact is that there are charedeim on both sides of this case. It appears to me that those in her defense are basing their side more on hearsay than evidence. There are charedim that claim to be eye witnesses to abuse. I don’t know which side is correct in this case. We will have to wait it out. If she is guilty then she is guilty. Not based on hearsay, but rather solid evidence. If she is innocent, then that will eventually come to fruition.

    There are enough Askanim in her defense to make sure that justice is done. The Judge surely realizes that if he doesn’t judge this case fairly there’s certainly going to be riots. Hearsay in this case is out of the question.

  5. To N.G.
    Here we go with the name calling, Can you people wait for the evidence to be made public before starting to point the fingers? And why everything has to be against Zionism? You don’t have to like the government in power, but if you don’t like here then you can go back to Williamsburg and wait until Mashiach comes. Could it be that this poor woman is mentally ill and needs help? Or how about worrying for the welfare of the kid for a change? We are approaching the Yamim Noraim, it behoove us to do a cheshbon nefesh and see how low we have descended to this year and hope for forgiveness from HaShem.

  6. to Concerned Member:
    I must admit that even without hearing the other side, I would lean to the mother, not because she’s Chareidi, but because I know first hand about dealing with feeding/tube issues. You obviously haven’t a CLUE!
    In this field there is so much trial and error, so much unclear. The doctors are playing guessing games. It’s a fact! They know so little in the field, even the TOP DOCTORS! (and trust me, I’ve been all over!) I know other children who’ve been on feeding tubes and did WORSE, lost weight on high calorie formula that was 6x the calories they were intaking before. Doctors were stumped. for years! many children – from all walks of life. Don’t give me the garbage that the mother for sure doesn’t know what to do! A mother’s instinct is also often something to be followed, seen it in too many cases, where docs thought mother’s ideas were crazy, yet they were 1000 time better than doc’s plan. Obviously, this is not always the case by far! But I’ve been involved in MANY such cases!
    Doctors will give children meds to try, bec. why not? trial good for “other people”. What about the child who is regressing from the med? but doc is like “let’s hold out a little longer” (he’s not living with it, easy to talk).
    Like a SUPER TOP doctor, who is also a big mentch commented to a mother “your child is really a mystery, mystery cases are so exciting” to which the monther kindly responded: “you can enjoy so long as you don’t live with the child, with all their pain and constant stress it takes living on a day to day basis, maybe you’ll change your mind if you live with the child even just a day or 2!!”
    and then of course you have the issue of the known fact that the israeli system is so corrupt.

    Am I saying the mother is for sure right? no.
    but there is a very strong chance that she IS

  7. I am waiting for the decision and holding my opinion till it’s redndered. In one more generation the religious will be the majority in Israel. They will be responsible for the Military, Finance, and Health. When this happens there will be no more excuses of Zionist cabals to hide behind. To say that the staff of the hospital are guilty of experimentation like I have seen some claim here is a tremendous sin. Understand that they are accusing a whole bunch of people of שפיכת דמים. It’s time that demand an end to this. Is the woman guity or innocent. I don’t know. I do know that some serious reevaliation needs to be done by people who base there opinion based on hatred to people that they don’t know simply because they don’t share their views on a few issues.

  8. Aren’t judges supposed to make ruling AFTER the trial (okay, in many legal systems they do make the decision before or during, typically in “Peoples’ Courts” whose decisions are designed to accomplish political aims).

    If the zionists were confident of their case, they would encourage someone with no connections to the Israeli government to do an independent evaluation (based on the press, the child is probably a dual citizen of a western country).

  9. No.11 Israel is a sovereign nation. She has no obligation to get the approval of any other government of her judicial actions. Your suggestion is ludicrous. The only people who suspect the Israeli establishment of wrongdoing in this case are those with clear bias and old agendas against the Medinah. It is you who have no credibility, not Israel.

  10. Did the defense lawyers have a chance to present their version of the story before before the judge made his ruling? Videos can be doctored.

  11. no#10
    thanks once again for your very intelligent thoughts your standerd veiw on matters and for taking time to always let us know the typical zionist view.

  12. to #8, unfortunately, I wish it was such a laughable matter. I can give you over a dozen people off the top of my head who are struggling, throughout the USA and Israel who’ve been to small, medium and top doctors accross both countries – top references (from both countries), from pediatrician referals, from Askanim/referral agencies, Rabbonim that deal with doctors, and they are all stumped. As much as the best doctors know about the GI tract, they know not even a drop in the ocean. It’s a known thing.
    Don’t be so quick to be so sure I don’t know what I’m talking about… I’ve been advised to go to medical school to get a degree as I have so much experience on my hands…
    and btw: living with children with GI issues on a daily basis, and reading up, talking to doctors and other parents/therapists in such a situation gives parent a TON of knowledge, that living with it can have more/better ideas to try. I know too many people in the same situations, as I said, using doctors accross both countries.
    No where did I say the mother is for sure right.
    And if you know anything about computers, pictures/vidoes can be “put together” and “doctored up” so you can’t believe pictures/vidoes as 100% certainties.

  13. #16.. if the DOCTORS know so little , how much more so a young chassidic mother which probably doesn’t have much in the way of secular education..

    Even IF she were right, she shouldn’t DARE remove the tube without a doctor’s approval.. even if she has to borrow to pay for a private doctor to come in to do an evaluation..

    You can’t doctor a video like that up..

    I think what’s bothering ppl here is that instead of looking at it on the pure medical /evidence level it’s being made out to something of religious prejudice which there has been no proof of. Frankly, talking about the children of yemen is horrible b/c most of the ppl that ran the hospital then and were doctors then are either senile or dead.
    Why can’t anybody think that maybe this child has something that has never been seen before and the doctors were trying to HELP him even if it were done by experimentation..
    I don’t get it.. Wouldn’t ANY mother want the doctors to try ANYTHING to to help her child?

  14. All of you out there who are so convinced in the innocense of the State of Israel, just read up on all the black history of the State that every jewish historian can tell you about, read it and be honest, without bias, about yaldei teheran, yaldei teiman, the zionist position during the holocaust, and much more and if you have some ahavas yisroel, then your heart will break from all the abuse and suffering that they caused. And then look at this case honestly and you’ll see that not because the judge said that she is guilty, does it mean that she is. The attitude in the State is “shmor li va’ani eshmor lach” and if the doctors made a mistake and were too proud to admit it, the “system” will do anything to try and accept their claims even it includes misteriously disappearing files, pediatricians who suddenly turn psychiatrists are believed, videos that don’t show anything clearly are accepted. There are hundreds of testimonies against their claims.

  15. #15
    i have never said who is right and who is wrong no one has the right to an opinion unless they are directly involved i simmply point out that there is another side to the story ,yes of course its possible for a charadi to do wrong we are all human but you seem to always take a stance against them if you are who you claim you are then at least some times you should be neutral or take the side of mother etc… most of the recent cases on YWN have 2 realistic sides to them how come you always take the anti side?? my point has been made.

  16. #17, first of all, I am NOT saying that doctors know nothing. what I am saying is that there is plenty plenty plenty they haven’t a clue about.
    B”H there are plenty people they CAN and DO help with all they learned in school and in their practice/experience! And the parents remain ignorant in their knowledge, which is just fine! (I thought we’d be joining those masses!), just follow the doctors orders and ideas (almost blindly sometimes) and yes, doctor guides them right!
    But you do not need much secular education to learn how the body works. I did not go to college. Hated biology as a student…and the first year or so, I relied totally on the specialists and my pediatrician, following “blindly”. Eventually, I got more involved, asking questions, challenging what doctor says based on history, and it’s come to a point where it’s a doctor/parent discussion of “what we should try” with strong parental input vs. Doctor saying “this is what we should do”. The multiple doctors we’ve seen (B”H good experiences even if they didn’t help us ag all) appreciate when parents are involved. If a doctor doesn’t want to discuss daily minor important details with parents, then often, that’s not a good sign to use such a doctor. Oftentimes, that means that they don’t really “care” about the patient, just want to “move on and at least say we tried something else”. Note: I didn’t get all the knowledge overnight. but you just cannot compare living with and “learning on the job”, paying attention to the slightest details, to even the BEST doctors sometimes.
    If you’d know how many people I’ve helped out, just helping focus on some direction even, sharing experiences and knowledge etc. If you meet me in the street, you’d never dream about my GI knowledge. I’m “not the type”. I’m really not. but you learn what you have to in life!
    that was the point I was trying to make.
    1 more thing: regarding experiments:
    not so simple to say “ok, let’s experiment with something new because we have no better ideas”. Just not so simple to say that, “well, maybe it’ll help”. Keep in mind the flip side, maybe it’ll take things so totally out of control bec. of unknown side affects!! Again, there’s so much to weigh up, it’s such a gray area. not a simple cut and dry “why not try, maybe it’ll help”
    I hope I explained myself better this time.

  17. 18- EVERY country has a “black” history where they did some wrongdoing or crime that they wish the history books would omit and the world forget. America had problems with: Indians, slavery… problems in WW2 (hiroshima, nagisaki, ignoring the holocaust ect). Israel is no different. I dont judge a person based on their history and neither should you. Should a teacher judge a student based on past-teacher’s reports? Maybe the child turned a new leaf. We have the concept of “chozrei bitishuva/ baalei teshuva”- people can change and you are not supposed to remind them of their past. I judge based on evidence: a video, testimony, doctor’s notes ect. What “hundreds of testimonies against their claims” are there? People who know of the family or people who are deeply involved in the case who have seen the child throughout his hospital stay ect. Just because someone is of a certain background does not necessarily make them innocent or guilty.

  18. i can personally testify ive had many experiences of conspiratorial torture in western style hospitals and medical facilities. i can persanally promise they torture chassids horribly openly inside and then cover it up with acusations of mental illness. they target the best hasids. the police do it to. thanks to the irish and the western racial infection.

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