Shiurim for Chaiyalim – A Grassroots Formula for Spreading Torah to IDF Soldiers

nc.jpgElul is reaching its crescendo as the Ashkenazim among us begin saying slichos this motzoei shabbas. The entire month has and is focused on increasing mitzvos, as we attempt to mend the mistakes of this past year and tip the heavenly scales in our favor.

There are a number of mitzvos which are considered equal to all taryag mitzvos of the torah, one of which is Talmud torah, and enabling a fellow Jew to do such a mitzvah is of great magnitude. Studying torah is also considered to offer Divine protection, hence in biblical times for every person fighting on the fronts another was sitting and learning.

The Israeli army is comprised of Jews from around the world, many rachmana litzlan are truly in the category of tinok shenishba as they never had the privilege of a yeshiva education or a frum home.

For the first time ever, YOU have the opportunity of being marbitz torah by bringing shiurim to our soldiers around Eretz Yisroel. Connections Israel, which distributed in excess of 5,000 mishloach manot packages to the IDF last year, is now able to bring rabbonim to army bases and provide shiurim to these chayalim on a regular basis but they need your help. Rabbanim need to get to the outposts and bases; refreshments are needed to draw the soldiers out and engage them in learning.

You can actually take part in this mitzvah, by helping the organization with its shlichus! Shiurim can be dedicated liluy nishmas for a yahrzeit or for yizkor. The total cost of a shiur is $50, or one may also consider sponsoring a month-long series for $200.

Donations can be made using a credit card on our website, or by sending a check to Connections Israel PO Box 28371 Jerusalem, Israel 91283

Please mark paypal donations and envelopes to the attention of: Sharon

May you be zocheh to a gut g’benched yar!

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