Report: Two Channel 2 Correspondents Anti-Chabad Activists

According to a Maariv report, two senior Channel 2 correspondents are actively working with a non-profit organization to oppose Chabad kiruv activities in Ramat Aviv.

Chabad recently arranged for an evening of recognition for kiruv activities in the city, which has been in the news as an epicenter of secular efforts to prevent the spread of yiddishkeit. The two have been identified as Dona Weiss and Ilan Lukatch.

According to the Chabad community, the two are not just members of the anti-Chabad organization, but senior activists, a most troubling reality considering their senior positions and noted news correspondents in Israel.

Just last week, Lukatch was photographed, appearing in Haaretz, wearing a tee-shirt of the organization, boasting the slogan “A Free Ramat Aviv”, a statement opposing what the secularists view as religious coercion. Interestingly, the two prepared a major report aired on Channel 2, detailing Chabad activities in Ramat Aviv, viewed as a bastion of secularist Ashkenazi elitism. (It should be pointed out that when their special report was aired, the organization was not yet in existence).

Interestingly, their ‘cover was blown’ as a result of a report appearing in the left-wing Haaretz. Complaints are beginning to make their way to Giora Rosen, who is the government ombudsman for matters pertaining to Channel 2.

Responding to the report on Monday morning, Channel 2 released a statement that it had not received any official complaints and if and when such a reality exists, it will respond appropriately.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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