Seeking a Sign of Arab Willingness to Normalize Relations with Israel

US President Barak Obama insists if Israel complies with his dictates, he will bring regional peace – he will become the American leader who brings normalized relations between Israel and her Arab neighbors.

One test case some feel may be a recent initiative taken by Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, seeking to shorten flight time from Israel to the east, as well as cutting fuel costs. The minister believed Saudi Arabia would welcome his offer, to permit Israeli flights to pass high over Saudi airspace and in return, Saudi flights to Europe could enter Israeli airspace. Saudi Arabia, perceived a moderate Arab neighbor, seems genuinely uninterested and has rejected the offer, stating “Israel has defiled Islamic holy sites”.

Katz is quoted by Yediot Achronot as labeling the official Saudi response “anti-Semitic”, adding he expects the Americans to pressure the Saudis into accepting a mutually beneficial deal.

YWN reported in July that President Barak was using such a deal to ‘entice’ Israel into accepting his demands for a building freeze, a move that would result in Arab states recognizing Israel’s right to exist and moving towards normalized relations. At present, the president’s statements seems to resonate with hollow tone as none of Israel’s neighbors seem to be lining up to actualize his words.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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