Ron Arad Was Alive for at Least 9 Years in Captivity

rarad1.jpgEfforts to uncover new credible information on captive IAF navigator Major Ron Arad continue, and the working assumption is that the officer remains alive today.

Arad fell into captivity over Lebanon in 1986, and it is theorized by many that he was transferred to Iranian hands by his Hizbullah captors.

A classified report released in part on Sunday states however the intelligence community believes that Arad died at least 14 years ago, adding he remained alive at least 9 years in captivity. The report adds he died while still in Lebanese captivity, dispelling the widespread assumption that he was transferred to Iran. The report states Arad died of illness.

Responding to the report, members of the officer’s family stated that as far as they are concerned, he is still alive, adding even for those who believe he is dead, the state has an obligation to bring his remains home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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