Marking 80 Years Since Chevron ‘Tarpat’ Massacre

On Monday night, the Chevron community will mark 80 years since the ‘Tarpat’ massacre of 1929, when Arabs brutally attacked the Jewish community over a three-day period. When the smoke cleared, 67 Jews had been brutally butchered, and the survivors were moved to Jerusalem, permitting the Arabs to overrun their property.

Guests include Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin and other dignitaries. The list includes Supreme Court Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, who is shomer shabbos. His planned attendance is a point of controversy.

Veteran Chevron resident and activist Baruch Marzel explains the community is united in its opposition to Rubinstein attending, but there are varying opinions as how to address his attendance. Marzel feels the High Court selected Rubinstein to represent it because he wears a kippa, but Marzel nevertheless refers to him as a “posul mezuzah”, explaining his decisions and that of the court speak for themselves, opposing Torah law and preventing the growth of Chevron and communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Mazel added that it was Rubinstein who turned Jonathan Pollard over to American authorities, as well as playing a role in the expulsion of Jews from Gaza and Northern Shomron. Marzel explained that Rubinstein is persona non grata but it remains to be determined how the community will react to his presence, wishing to honor the memory of the Kedoshim and avoid any action that will agitate members of families of the survivors.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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