Final NBN Summer Aliyah Flight to Arrive on Tuesday

elal1.jpgNefesh B’Nefesh’s final summer aliyah flight will be landing on Tuesday morning, at 7:30am, bringing 204 N. American olim, including 81 singles on the season’s last charter flight.

Among the notables expected to be on hand to greet the new arrivals are opposition leader MK Tzipi Livni, MK Yaakov Katz, Senior Deputy Head of the Division for Promotion of Aliyah at the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption Shifra Kirshenbaum, Treasurer of the Jewish Agency Chaggai Merom, Co-Founders of Nefesh B’Nefesh, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass & Tony Gelbart.

The summer’s final charter Aliyah flight brings the season’s total to 3,000 Olim from North America and the UK who arrived on 16 Aliyah flights organized by Nefesh B’Nefesh and the Jewish Agency.

Family and friends around the world will be able to watch a live feed of the Olim landing in Israel and follow the welcoming ceremony on a dedicated online webcast at:

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Watching them arrive, on nbn online is such an uplifting feeling. The thousands of shomer shabbos olim that have arrived through nefesh benefesh is amazing and the ‘American Torah’ attitudes are noted already in many new neighborhoods.
    Chazak chazak v’nischazek.

  2. Each year, as the numbers of Olim from the U.S. increase, those remaining behind will be startled as they look around and see their neighborhoods steadily shrinking as their neighbors, family by family, make Aliyah. (So much for the OU’s misguided “Emerging and Growing Communities” campaign, which only encourages Jews to invest even further in their commitment to a long-term golus). G-d willing, the worry about being “left behind” will be the impetus to bring about aliyah en mass, that will finally bring golus-America to an end. It’s about time.

    Mazol Tov to all of the Ba’alei Emunah who have joined the Nefesh B’Nefesh inspired exodus. You are the true leaders of Klal Yisrael in whose merit we will see the final geula, bimhayra b’yameinu.

  3. ברוכים הבאים to all the new olims, welcome home, this is your True Home. It is time to leave the galut behind and to return home in Israel. Rav Kahane z”l said once, that things will get very nasty in America for Am Israel and it is better to come home to Israel now out of freewill than as a refugee in the future. I pray that many more Jews will heed those words of wisdom from Rav Kahane,z”l.

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