Former US President Carter Against Yosh Construction

carter.jpgIn a weekend op-ed in the Washington Post, former American President Jimmy Carter blasted Israel, accusing Jerusalem of continuing construction in Yehuda and Shomron towards sabotaging efforts towards establishing a Palestinian state, part of American’s two-state solution for regional peace.

Carter insists Israel is seeking “one state” while continuing to “colonize the West Bank and East Jerusalem”.

Carter equates the current struggle of the PA to the civil rights struggle of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and others, who fought for the rights of the oppressed. He rejected Jerusalem’s policies, and accuses the government of intentionally sabotaging regional peace efforts. He calls Gaza a “walled ghetto” adding the current situation will change, explaining the Arab population continues to grow and in the coming years, they will be the majority.

“Israel prevents any cement, lumber, seeds, fertilizer and hundreds of other needed materials from entering through Gaza’s gates,” explaining as a result, the Gazans are unable to make repairs, address building and other needs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. his opinion does matter today with Obama in the white house , and truth be told no matter what ,he is still a former president of the united states .

  2. This man seethes with hatred towards anything Jewish or Israel related. It is unfortunate that a man with such massive credentials has such a bias against the one side truly looking for peace in the middle east.

    We must acknowledge that Israel has made some mistakes and they continue to do so. However, it is irresponsible for a man of his position to allow such a strong bias and utter disdain to be made public.

    He is entitled to his opinions, even though they defy the values that he swore to uphold as President of The United States. He should just learn to filter himself for the good of democracy and peace. By allowing himself to speak his mind, he is giving credibility to the side that deserves it the least.

  3. It’s not because he hates israel.
    He is just a bought politician who was paid off by Saudi Arabia, and has given up all moral principal and is prostituting himself.
    (and probably prostrating also L.O.L.)

  4. 98% of American (excluding some Jews and Christian Evangelists) regard the words of Jimmy Carter as kodesh kedoshim.
    Beware of what evil this will bring to our brothers in Eretz Yisroel and those of us in the Diaspora.

  5. to #5 israel has indeed made mistakes. the first one was negotiating with the arabs the 2nd was that they continue to pretend that there is someone with whom to negotiate. so please jump in the lake

  6. To # 11 – “takingabreak”

    To speak mildly, you are an idiot. Had you read my post, you would have seen that I am unquestionably a fervid supporter of israel.

    By telling me to “please jump in the lake” you have confirmed my former comment(see above). Your lack of maturity and intellect is evident from the way that you speak in both your unnecessary banter and your failed attempt at an intelligent post.

    It is important to watch what you say.

  7. I have a special place for the writings of peanut-brain Jimmy “ah neva tell a lie” Carter, – the bottom of my birdcage!

  8. Someone should tell the peanut farmer that the Jews are just trying to cultivate more land to grow peanuts so that they can produce more “Billy Beer”. Then maybe he would shut his big mouth.

    It really bothers him that more Jews live in Israel doesn’t it?

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