El Al Flight Makes an Emergency Landing in Iceland

elal.jpgAn El Al flight traveling from Tel Aviv to the United States last week made an unscheduled landing in Iceland. Passengers were compelled to spend a day there until a flight to N. America could be arranged.

It appears passengers reported “smelling smoke”, leading to the emergency landing. The problem was traced to a short circuit in a television screen. Repairs were made, the plane inspected, and officials gave the green light for the 747-400 to take off.

The prolonged delay was attributed to the fact there was a jurisdictional dispute regarding who is authorized to make the necessary repairs – as per the civil air authorities.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. I was on this plane with my family. I didnt smell any smoke at all. The EL AL crew and the Pilot in particular really did an amazing job considering the circumstances. I saw the Pilot himself dealing with the people in Iceland trying to arrange everything for us. The hardest part was that we sat on the plane for 6 hours in Iceland until they arranged everything. It was pretty cool how there was one big minyan for maariv in the iceland airport. The icelanders could not make heads or tales of us

  2. Pashuteh Yid – I went into a store in iceland and brought bananas and oranges – was I wrong? We were hungry. Some of the non mehadrin complained about what they did. Your explanation was right. They assumed the non mehadrin people ate at the hotels. The people who complained were also given meals.

  3. Kudos to el al and staff who tried as hard as they could to acomendate us. As much as I would like to complain and try to get free tickets for me and my family I can’t because of the service we received.it definitly was a big pain in the neck but it was very evident that el al was trying to do what ever it could.
    B”h this didn’t happen over somalia.
    Bthw iceland is the most beautiful country I was ever in.

  4. 5 – I agree about iceland. I would like to go there for a few days. Its stunning. I highly doubt they will give us free tickets for this. Everyone knows these things sometimes happen sometimes and they did it for our own safety.

  5. to all would be tourists be aware that the gov’t of iceland is not friendly towards israel and believe it or not while iceland may be close to judenrein there is a large degree of anti-semitism there. bon voyage!

  6. 10. So is france, england, russia,switzerland, italy, etc and basically every country in the world. I agree the place for frum people to go on vacation is israel, but its not any worse to go to iceland then it is any other country in the world

  7. To 11:
    yet all the countries you mentioned have a chabad center and a rich jewish history. Iceland does not. Read about its history and then comment.

  8. 14. I was referring simply to the fact that all those countries are very anti israel and anti semetic. Iceland is parve – Neutral – It makes no sense to single out iceland because they have a very small Jewish history.

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