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The First Chareidi Outpost

charedi.jpgMost associate outposts in Yehuda and Shomron with the dati leumi community but now, there is a chareidi outpost too, launched by avreichim from Kiryat Sefer, calling the structure Givat Sefer.

Shortly after the new unauthorized outpost was launched, Rav Yitzchak Brand visited, giving a shiur to give a chizuk to the effort. The impetus behind the move is a sign of defiance to America, which continues to halt construction in Eretz Yisrael at a time when the chareidi community in particular is facing a critical housing shortage, especially affordable housing for young couples. Organizers are calling on chareidi MKs to follow their lead and to push to bring an end to the construction freeze in chareidi communities in Yehuda and Shomron, reports.

The outpost is situated in the Kiryat Sefer area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. This is wonderful news! I pray that their Dati Leumi Brothers and Sisters give them the help and chizuk that they need! The two groups can only benefit from having each other nearby, they are in the same boat

  2. It sounds to me more like nibbling on land adjacent to an existing community, and doing so not out of a desire to expel the goyim from Eretz Yisrael, but because the government is interfering with the growth of a frum community.

    An outpost implies a remote frontier post – thus the “out”. This sounds more like an “inpost”.

  3. I highly doubt any of the chareidi Gedolim are behind this.
    Anybody hear of this Rabbi Yitzchok Brand before?
    לא זו הדרך שקבלנו מרבותנו!
    Harav Shach was initially opposed to Kiryat Sefer and Beitar do to the Issur of being מתגרה באומות.Immanuel he was always against.

  4. #6 Not aware of one yishuv or outpost that was settled where Arabs were expelled from the area. Check your facts for accuracy.

  5. Reshoim.

    Misguided fools, perhaps.

    There is no such thing as a “chareidi outpost”.

    It’s an outpost founded by Religious Zionists who wear black kippot and jackets, who abandoned the chareidi world.

  6. #10 sammygol “to Klal Yisruel from squatting on the lands of our Arab brothers”
    We knew it all along because many of your comments didn’t sound Jewish and now you clumsily slipped. So what are you doing on a Jewish site instead of joining your Arab brothers?

  7. Sammy gol,
    I frequently have a different point of view than yours, but i must compliment you on your humorous and enjoyable style. ( unfortunately many don’t get the point, it usually takes a second reading.)

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