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Report: PM Netanyahu to Approve Construction

bibi.jpgWhile the White House continues pressure on Israel to halt all construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron, an “aide” to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is quoted by Yediot Achronot as stating the prime minister will agree to a freeze, for several months, after hundreds of housing units are authorized. The aide remains anonymous since the prime minister has not yet officially announced his decision, which the report states is “imminent”.

According to the information released, the approval of hundreds of homes will be in addition to 2,500 started housing units already in various stages of construction. The construction is expected to focus on “settlement blocks”.

Regarding a building freeze, Israel will be expecting that if Jerusalem agrees to such a move, it will expect an Arab response, a major step towards normalized diplomatic relations.

While the prime minister’s popularity among right-wingers continues to plummet in the polls, the Prime Minister’s Office insists when the right-wing learns of the agreement made between the current administration and the White House, the result will be a pleasant surprise.

Seemingly working to exhibit an air of cooperation, officials in the Prime Minister’s Office are indicating the differences between Jerusalem and Washington are minor, expressing optimism over the next round of talks between Israeli officials and US special Mideast envoy George Mitchell.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Why agree to a freeze for any length of time? It will not gain favor of those against Israel, and it weakens one’s leadership. Tell the White House to leave the Middle East because it does really want to win the wars it wages there.

  2. Approve and keep on approving.
    A large Jewish neighborhood is needed in the E1 area bt Yerushalayim and Maalee Adumim. This is ensure housing for frum young couples and relieve the stresses & pressures to find a reasonable place to live.

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