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A Day of Recognition for IDF Soldiers & Officers

idfn.jpgWhile Operation Cast Lead is long over, the IDF’s counter-terrorism offensive against Hamas’ infrastructure in Gaza, the nation on Wednesday (Sept. 2), took a break from the routine to recognize the heroism of a number of soldiers and officers.

A number of citations were awarded, ‘tzalashim’ as they are called in Hebrew. YWN reported yesterday that Golani Egoz soldier Moshe Plesser received a citation from the chief of staff for neutralizing a tractor terrorist in Yerushalayim.

1st-Lieutenant Ephraim Tehilla received a citation from the northern district commander. He too is a member of Golani’s elite Egoz reconnaissance unit. The award was for an operation in the Sajayieh area of Gaza on January 1st in which a team leader fell in battle.

First-Sergeant (reserves) Moshe Chik, who serves as a combat medic in the Charuv unit of the Kfir Brigade received a citation from the IDF central district commander. On January 8th, a unit found itself ambushed in the area of Kissufim and Major Ro’i Rosner z”l and three soldiers were wounded. Chik placed himself in life-threatening danger when he evacuated the wounded under heavy fire.

First-Sergeant (reserves) Ofir Tzahari is a member of the 101st Paratroop Regiment. He announced at the ceremony that he feels many of his colleagues are more deserving of the citation from the IDF Gaza District commander. On January 14th, his unit was operating in the Jabalya area. They encountered terrorist fire and a number of soldiers were wounded. At one point, he came face-to-face with an armed terrorist, but remained cool, pulling a grenade and eliminating the threat, saving many lives. He is recognized for his outstanding performance.

1st-Lieutenant Moti Iflach received a district commander citation for events that occurred on January 14th, when a paratrooper unit encountered resistance in the Shati Refugee Camp. It was in this encounter that Lt. Aaron Karov was gravely wounded. Iflach did not flinch, and placed himself in life-threatening danger to extricate the gravely wounded officer, eventually bringing him to a place from which he could be air-lifted to a trauma center, thereby saving his life.

Staff-Sergeant (reserves) Ziv [whose last name may not be published for security reasons] is a member of the IAF’s elite 669 air rescue unit, where he serves as a combat paramedic. It was Ziv who was sent to extricate Lt. Karov from the battlefield as well as three other wounded soldiers. He performed a tracheostomy under harsh conditions, saving Karov’s life. He was recognized for his efforts by the commander of the air force Tel Nof base.

First-Sergeant (reserves) Ziv Danieli received a citation from the Paratroop Corps commander for his actions as a team leader in the 101st Regiment. He soldiers were operating in Jabalya in northern Gaza when they came under heavy fire. A platoon commander from another unit, Lt. Omer Drori was wounded realized the junior officer’s situation, aware that he was pinned down against armed terrorists. He arrived at the scene, under heavy fire, treated and extricated the platoon commander, all while engaged in a firefight with terrorists.

1st-Lieutenant Nadav Moussa is a company commander in Shaked, part of the Givati Brigade. On January 15th while operating in a multi-story dwelling in Gaza they encountered terrorists on the first floor. Moussa was still in an armored vehicle but quickly realized soldiers were trapped in the building, with gunfire coming from inside and out. He left the protection of the vehicle without taking time to dawn protective gear, engaging the terrorists, killing them. He received a citation from the Givati Brigade commander. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Me K’amcha YISRAEL

    its ellul, ani ldodi vdodi lee

    please no inappropriate expressions of sinah to wards ANYONE

    be happy in what the Ribbono Shel Olam has given us

    a ktiva vchatima tova to all

  2. B’Kitzur, ALL of these geeborim risked their lives to save their fellow Jews. May HaSh-m reward them in this world and the next and may we all be zocheh to see Mashiach and the end of all war against Am Yisrael that his coming will bring.

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