Social Workers Concerned Regarding Meah Shearim Mom

ywnisrael1.jpgAn official evaluation from social workers being submitted to the Jerusalem District Court states the Meah Shearim mother is a danger to all her children, not just the youngest, “C”, who she allegedly starved and abused. Next week, the court will convene to discuss conditions surrounding her release during the trial period.

The state is pushing the court to remove her from her home to distance her from her children. “C”, is living in Beit Shemesh with an uncle, and the mother is prohibited from seeing him. Actually, she was recently permitted to meet with her son, “C”, but she declined when she learned such a meeting must take place in the presence of social workers.

Rabbonim in Meah Shearim continue to stand behind the mother, confident the evidence in the case will prove her innocence, dispelling the horrific charges leveled against her.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

20 Responses

  1. You should mention if these social workers atre government employees who might lose their jobs for not following orders, or if these social works have no affiliation with the Israeli government and were perhaps chosen by the Eidas Hareidos or someone neutral.

  2. Oh Boy!! I can hardly wait for all the reactions to this story!!! They’re gonna tell ya that the social workers merely represent an anti-chareidi, zionist, liberal conspiracy!!!! To heck with the children!!!!!

  3. Why is Yeshiva World insisting on reporting LIES AND LIES AND LIES ENDLESSLY??? There is absolutely no truth in the fabrications from the Social Workers and Prosecutors whose goal is to ruin orthodox families. They’re simply jealous of the beautiful lives the orthodox Jews lead.

    Is there no end to your MOTZI SHEM RA? Aren’t you scared now in the days of Elul before your own judgment to report such fabrications?

    Once again you are caught in the net of the Satan, the Left media, whose only purpose is the motzi shem ra following their distortion of the news by giving the impression of the mother’s cruelty. Once again the media lied to the public.

    The mother got permission to see her child and she indeed saw him for a minute but WAS FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM HIM by a wicked, vicious, heartless Social Worker who as soon she walked in and noticed the mother with the child, IMMEDIATELY CHASED THE MOTHER OUT – Mengele’s style of separating the mothers from their children. And this is an eye witness account and not as you say “she declined when she learned such a meeting must take place in the presence of social workers.” Lies and lies and lies! (Then they wonder why they’re called Nazi or Gestapo.)

    Those people who are the axis of evil, the Prosecutors, the Social Workers and the Police, and have no problem killing innocent protesters, definitely HAVE NO PROBLEM FABRICATING LIES against this innocent wonderful mother.

    If these reshaim were truly so concerned for the welfare of this child and her other children, actually did just the opposite BY FORCIBLY SEPARATING THE MOTHER FROM THE CHILD, which according to psychologist involved in this matter testified that this had an extreme negative effect on this child and will take a long time to heal.

    So you, Yeshiva World, trust these reshaim – who generally are either single, divorcees, and those who are married have no more than 1 child and a dog – and blindly accept what they’re saying as fact? Time for you people to stop this nonsense and do tshuva. Their cruelty and wickedness does not have to be aired by Yeshiva World.

    I don’t care if you decide that the truth might offend some talkbackers on your site and yourself and would therefore not publish this. At least you read it and the message came through to you to stop being motzi shem ra.

  4. I am revolted when i read “shtu-yot/stupidity” by #3 “bar-26”.
    Mengele and the nazis gassed and incinerated thousands of jews daily. ‘The ones who were allowed to live (as Eicah/Lamentations writes) were better off had they have been killed by the sword.
    They shuffled around until grown men weighed less than 80 pounds. Then they had to stand line-up for hours in cold weather wearing what was as effective as summer pajamas.
    The women were given a Barium drink not to have a monthly inconvenience.
    When they were no longer effective as laborers they were simply shot like dogs.
    They probably did this to members of Bar-26’s family.
    Make no mistake i am not commenting on this affair, and i’m not taking sides, i am commenting on so freely throwing around the term mengele and nazis- shame on you.
    PS You personally are stretching the truth. It is highly unlikely there was a charedi eyewitness neutral observer at this meeting. Also i have never heard of the israeli police killing protesters, as you yourself wrote. So as they say in Gemora language- you have a “ray-esa” to your words, and it is all hyperbole.
    Stuff it.

  5. #6 Baruch Hashem you can be dan lekaf zchus these reshaim, the axis of evil, in Israel. It’s time for you to start reading Mengele’s atrocities on the mother’s who were holding their children and you’ll be in for a surprise….

    And if you think I’m stretching the truth, how about doing some homework yourself and hearing it with your own ears, unless you’re scared to hear the truth because then you’ll have to admit that the mother is totally innocent? There were no eye-witnesses to this atrocity? What a silly comment. Do you think the mother was allowed out on the street alone to go see her son? How naive!

    You never heard of police in Israel killing protesters. That’s because you make sure to shut your ears when it comes to such news. It happened three times within 48 hours this past week that a police drove over a protester or told a driver to continue driving while a protester was at his wheels! Go find out, if you don’t believe me.

  6. This is a very troubling story and at this point it seems impossible to get an honest account of the situation. In truth, I am troubled that when she was able to see her son, she declined to do so (regardless of the circumstance).

  7. sammygol, whether you’re wrong or right doesn’t matter after reading your last comment. your vile language puts to shame the worst anti-Semites.

  8. For all you people who naively (mildly said) believe and firmly insist that the Social Workers would not lie, here’s some food for thought.

    The psychologist was present with the mother at the time of that meeting and she saw what the Social Worker did. According to her evaluation she said, “The damage that was done to the child now by forcibly removing the mother, is irreversible.”

    This psychologist is an eye-witness and the best proof of what is truly happening here and the lies the Social Workers and Prosecution are fabricating and conspiring against an innocent erliche yiddishe woman.

  9. to bar-26.
    Your answer is a non sequitur
    Of course someone may have walked her in the street, but if you would have read my comment properly you would have noticed i am referring to what happened in the social worker’s private office. ( i still doubt anyone was witness to what may or may have not happened in that office.
    (Strange a mother would use het kid as a pawn and refuse to see her own kid, but i digress).
    Secondly answer this; did anyone die? Like dead and kaddish? Or are you exaggerating? ( you used the following words; “have no problem killing innocent protesters”.
    Most of all as i said; i was only commenting on your particular words which still ring false.
    In regards to the story in general, i make no comment. I don’t have what to say and i am not informed, nor do i pretend to be.
    I will say this, it is a disgrace to the six million kedoishim to throw around the word nazi for anyone other than the actual nazi’s. Even if you believe they’re wrong.
    Let me add this, just from the fact you use such language, makes me disregard your honesty.
    PS let me make this clear i will not debate the situation in Jerusalem. I take umbrage to disgracing my grandparents’ memory, and their status as kedoshim.

  10. Keep in mind also that Reb Dovid Soloveichik, shlita, has stated publically that he is totally convinced that all the charges against the woman are fabrications. He is not someone to say such a thing without good reason. Does anyone know of a talmid chacham of his stature who has taken a position against him? And is there any reason to assume that the Israeli media is right and he is wrong?

  11. To Bar26
    It’s seems to me that you have a mental case of illusions, you really make up stories like there is no tomorrow, are you an eye-witness of all these allegations or you just made them up as you go, because unless you were there, present during the visits and during the court hearings, I would suggest to shut up because you’re making a fool of yourself with all of these imaginations.

  12. #5, your comment is both frightening and shocking. We don’t have any conclusions about this story and there seems to be a lot of conflicting opinions, but one thing I do know. We are required to be dan l’kaf zchus. I’m not sure why you carry so much resentment but to categorize, in a negative manner, an entire group of Klal Yisroel is very wrong and unjustified. If each and every one of us truly loved every Yid, we would be bending over backwards in every situation to view every Yid favorably.

  13. Re #s 5, 10 and 18

    Lighten up msseeker and YiddisheMama:

    Sammygol writes with refreshing political humor and wit – and he pretty effectively makes some a good point.

    So much of the right wing opinion expressed here is presented with a hateful vilification of anyone with opposing views, and with the firm conviction that there is a conspiracy afoot against them. This is stuff for a mental health professional.

  14. Bar26 – Let’s for argument sake except as fact what you are saying is true.

    1) Keep in mind that YWN is a frum website run by frum people. It was started because a frum guy wanted to keep his frum friends and others off of goyishe news websites (at least as far as my understanding is). Thus, you are a frum Jew talking to another frum Jew. Don’t you think you should look at him as a brother when talking to him instead of an enemy? As far as I am aware of, he’s not even a Zionist (sorry, don’t mean to knock anyone here that is). So stop spewing hatred. He is reporting according to how he hears it. If there is another side to the story I’m sure he’s willing to listen.

    2. How do you think you’re going to get anyone listen to you the way you are talking? דברי חכמים בנחת נשמה

    3. You state that you have proof and that the psychologist is an eyewitness to what you are stating. Why hasn’t he or she come fw at least to the frum news websites and testify?

    por – Can you bring proof that Rav Soloveichik, shlita did indeed state what you are claiming? This is the first time that I have heard this and hearsay means nothing to me.

    To All – I have heard reports from both sides claiming to be insiders. This case is not simple, nor clear. I recommend people be conservative with their words until this issue gets ironed out. Otherwise, some of you are certainly going to face major embarrassment when this is all over.

  15. Softwords:

    His statement is printed in a brochure put out by the Eida HaChareidis (of which R’ Dovid is Nossi), which includes it in his handwriting, as an appeal for the mitzva of pidyon shvuyim. If I knew where to send it I would scan it and send it to you, or post it on YWN, but now it’s late erev Shabbos here so it’ll have to wait till Sunday. Ask someone who learns by him or just call the Yeshiva. I appreciate your appeal to be deliberate in judgment and moderate in words.

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