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Tallis Made in China at a Bargain Price

talis.jpgSome time ago, the Eida Chareidis [and others] began warning the public of an influx of bogus Judaica, including items such as shofarot and tzizit. YWN recently published a similar alert from R’ Moshe Flumenbaum, of HaSofer, adding the problem of gidden to the list.

In line with these warnings, one may now find a tallis for sale in Eretz Yisrael for NIS 10, significantly less than a kosher tallis can possibly sell for. One tallis manufacturer quoted by reports the cost of a kosher tallis well exceeds the retail price, which should be a signal to consumers as well.

It appears that “thousands of Chinese” have been taught the art of tying tzizit and they are manufacturing posul talleisim which are flooding the marketplace.

As we prepare for Rosh Hashanah, one is urged to purchase a tallis and all other Judaica items in a reputable store, realizing today there are a growing number of sofrim and stores with a hechsher, ensuring the desire to fulfill a mitzvah is not compromised by unscrupulous individuals.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. It is not the tallis that is the problem so much,but the TZITZIS which must be made ‘Lishmoh’ and by a ben-Torah. The talis itself may also be ‘shaatnez’,so beware. Unfortunately not all ‘frum’Jews are honest about what they make or sell,so be cautious and know with whom you are dealing!

  2. #1 makes a good point. In addition, I have learned that things make in China do not come anywhere near the standards we accept in terms of quality and safety. Chinese manufacturers often care nothing about the quality of material and chemicals used in and on what they manufacture.

  3. I think it is a shame that the only Rav who has dared speak out about fraud with in the religious world concerning our “mitzvot articles” is Rav Flumenbaum. Where are the all heshshers? — I guess they are too busy making money on food to care about mitzvot. It is about time that the “kosher organiztions” like the OU and the various Rabinacal organizations and “Badatzim” devote thought to how to insure basic mitzvot such as tzizth mezuzoth and tefillin — If they really cared about our mitzvot — they would —

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